poppy field

Greater London

South Norwood

Special General Meeting Notification

The business to be transacted shall be to determine the future status of the Branch.

Wednesday 14 September 2022 at 7.30pm


Venue: Croydon RBL

160a Handcroft Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 3LE


Option 1 Full Committee Elected

  • Branch Chairman - 3-year term
  • Branch Treasurer - 3-year term
  • Plus, three Branch Committee Members - each 3-year terms

Should a full complement of provisionally elected Committee Members be established, they will be expected to undertake Branch Management Training, and the Treasurer to undertake the Branch Treasurers course, all within 3 months.  The GLD will review this and progress of the branch at 4 and 6 months following the SGM date, reserving the right to review the status of the branch.


Option 2 CSB Status

  • Two points of contact identified from the Branch members
  • Branch funds managed by the GLD on behalf of the branch.


Option 3 Amalgamation

Option 4 Closure

  • Transfer of Members
  • Transfer of Unrestricted funds
  • Arrangements for the Standard


GLD Committee Members, presiding over the SGM will have a register of current members of the branch, in order to verify those present, who have a legitimate right to vote and stand in elections.