Membership of the Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just serving and former members of the forces and we always welcome those who wish to join.
Why not find out if you have a local branch.
Benefits of Legion Membership Members will receive a free subscription to six editions of the Legion Magazine which contains information about the Legion's work throughout the country and abroad.
Members can support their local Branch in numerous ways at both local and national level and can take part in social and sporting activities.
Members also have a voice in the organisation and with our large membership, the Legion maintains a high profile, which helps our lobbying effort in Westminster.
As the nation's custodian of Remembrance, your membership of the Legion ensures the continuing memory of the sacrifice made by our Service personnel.
How to join: ***Online joining is now available*** (Youth membership is NOT available online, due to parent/guardian consent)
If you prefer to join by phone, please contact the Royal British Legion's helpline on: 0808 802 8080 (FREE) It's open seven days a week, from 8am to 8pm.
The annual subscription is £20. Individual branches may levy a small additional fee.
Youth members can join from the age of 12 to 18 years or sign up as a full member from the age of 16 years.
Thank you for supporting the Royal British Legion.