poppy field


Contact The Royal British Legion in Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire County County Committee


The County also has a Facebook Page:

Oxfordshire County Royal British Legion


County Committee Members


Mrs Ann Midwinter (contact via Chair)

County Chair

Peter Eldridge: Oxfordshire.Chairmain@RBL.Community

County Vice Chair

Mrs Fiona Lovesey (contact via County Chair or County Secretary)

County Secretary 

Mr Rob Lovesey:  Oxfordshire.Secretary@RBL.Community

County Treasurer

Mr Andrew Bowes: Oxfordshire.Treasurer@RBL.Community

County Parade Marshal

Mr Peter Clarke: Oxfordshire.ParadeMarshal@RBL.Community

County Training Officer

Mr Derek Bradley: Oxfordshire.CTO@RBL.Community
County Standard Bearer Mr Tjark Andrews (contact via the County Parade Marshal or County Secretary)

Other Committee Members

Mr Brian Leach (contact via Secretary)



Legion Staff

Poppy Appeal Manager (Oxfordshire) Mr Yanto Evans YEvans@britishlegion.org.uk

Membership Engagement Officer (MEO)

Ms Lebo Nyoni:  Oxfordshireshire.MEO@rbl.community 

Membership Engagement Administrator (MEA)




Oxfordshire forms part of the Royal British Legion's Central Membership Area which includes the following Counties:-

Bedfordshire     Berkshire      Buckinghamshire

Hertfordshire    Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire.

UK_with_SE Mids.JPG     SE_Midlands.JPG


Oxfordshire Branches - less "Vale of White Horse" administered by Berkshire


County Calendar