poppy field

Greater Manchester

Remembrance Day

The National Day of Remembrance is always the second Sunday in November. The Legion attaches great importance to the significance of Remembrance in the life of the nation, and to participation by Branches and Members in ceremonies arranged for Remembrance Day. Branches should be guided by the principle that the Act of Remembrance on Remembrance Day is a national one, and members of the Legion should pay their homage as citizens of their own locality.
Local Services of Remembrances are generally arranged and led by the Civic Authority, and usually include the laying of wreaths at a war memorial. Poppy wreaths are obtainable through the local Poppy Appeal Organiser. The Service may be held at the memorial or in a central place of worship. Branches should give the fullest possible support. In districts and parishes, Branches should avoid their own intentions conflicting with those of other sections of the community. For example, where the local church arranges a Service of Remembrance as part of the morning or evening service, this should be supported.
Where no such arrangements exist, Branches should approach the church authorities with a view to either a brief Service of Remembrance to precede or follow the morning or evening service, or a Service of Remembrance in the afternoon; in either case, Branches should respect the prerogative of the church authorities as to the form of service. The observance of Remembrance is not confined to any one denomination and our members are free to attend any church, chapel or other place of worship.
Suggested orders of service appropriate to Legion purposes, and particulars as to their availability, are contained in the Guide of Ceremonial and Services, which is obtainable from the Supplies Department, Maidstone. Whilst the decision must rest with the Minister concerned, the Legion for its purposes prefers that the fifth verse of the hymn "O God Our Help in Ages Past" is omitted from Legion services because of the words "They fly forgotten".
The laying of wreaths on a memorial need not directly be related to a Service of Remembrance. Where Branches wish to take part in an organised parade, the arrangements will depend upon depend the organising body. In addition to participation in local Services of Remembrance, arrangements are made for Legion members to take part in the national Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph, with a subsequent march past. Those wishing to participate must apply to Headquarters for tickets and instructions.  Further details are included in a Special Circular to Branches issued in March each year.
It is not permissible for expenses incurred in the organisation of memorial services, parades, or (e.g.) memorial floodlighting to be charged against the local Poppy Appeal.
National Festival of Remembrance
The Festival of Remembrance is presented annually at the Royal Albert Hall in London, on Poppy Day. There are two presentations, one in the afternoon and the second during the evening. Tickets for the afternoon presentation are sold from the box office; for the evening presentation the tickets are issued exclusively to Branches for use by members and their spouses. For full information, reference should be made to the Special Circular issued from Headquarters in March each year.
War Memorials
The War Memorials (Local Authorities' Power) Act, 1923, as amended by Section 133 of the Local Government Act 1948, and Parish Council Act 1957, empowers local authorities to spend funds on the maintenance, repair and protection of war memorials within the area they cover. These powers also extend to the alteration of a memorial to commemorate the fallen of any was subsequent to that in which it was erected. 
The powers apply to Parish, Community, Town, Borough, District, County and Metropolitan County Councils, whether or not the ownership of a memorial is vested in them. Branches which consider that some action should be taken in respect of war memorials in their district should therefore make representations to the appropriate local authority, since the Legion has no funds which can be applied to these purposes. Poppy Appeal collections must not be used for this purpose.
Two minute silence
The Royal British Legion has always supported the traditional Remembrance Sunday services and the customary Two Minute Silence on that day. As the national custodian of Remembrance, the Legion also believes that when 11th November (Armistice Day) falls on days other than Sundays - on working days - Remembrance should be brought into the everyday life of the nation on those days as well.

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, the First World War ended. Since then, 11th November or Armistice Day, has been enshrined in the memories of the nation as a day to pause and remember those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. The revival of support for observance of this demonstrates that, despite the passing of the years and the declining number of veterans, the nation still feels strongly about Remembrance.

Remembrance transcends all boundaries. The Legion seeks a small yet important individual and collective act, a rare moment when the nation can stand together and reflect on the price of freedom. That price is still being paid. More than 12,000 British Servicemen and women have been killed or injured on active service since 1945.

"If we are to maintain our peace and freedom, we must always remember."


Remembrance Day with which the Poppy Appeal is so closely identified, is by Government Decree always the second Sunday in November. On this day Remembrance Services are held in churches and at War Memorials throughout the country, attended by members of The Royal British Legion, who join with the general community in remembering those who gave their lives, or who suffered defending our democratic freedoms, and in dedication to the service of others.
The annual Poppy Appeal House-to-House and static point collection takes place during Remembrancetide, which is traditionally the 13 days before Remembrance Day. Collections in public places normally take place on the two days before Remembrance Day. By donating to the Poppy Appeal, British people all over the world are able to express in a practical way their sense of commitment to the welfare of ex-Service men and women, widows and dependants who are disabled or in need. The money raised by the Poppy Appeal is used by the Legion to finance its many welfare and benevolent services, mainly in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but also wherever ex-Service people are living in other parts of the world. The Royal British Legion Scotland has its own Appeal and looks after their own ex-Service.
The November Appeal raises the greater part, approximately two-thirds of the total funding needed to sustain the schemes providing homes, sheltered housing, convalescent care, help for disabled and needy ex-Service people, training, jobs and pensions counselling. All Legion members and Branches have an obligation under the Legion's Royal Charter to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal throughout the whole year. Without this work the Legion would not be able to care for all those in need.
Even now many ex-Service people and their widows survive who served in World War I. Many hundreds of thousands, however, still suffer who served in World War II or the very many conflicts and peace-keeping duties in which the Armed Services have participated over the last 50 years. Many who survived find the added burden of age, coupled with illness or disability, more difficult to bear unaided. Because it is necessary for us to have Armed Services there will remain a need for the work of The Royal British Legion for many more years. The Poppy Appeal is a whole year round endeavour, and we ask that you give it your full support and volunteer your services to help as much as you are able. Please contact your Honorary Poppy Appeal Organiser (PAO) or telephone the Poppy Appeal at 01622 717172 - We urgently need your help.