poppy field


Oakwood Branch (BR0078)

The Oakwood Branch meets at

Oakwood Community Centre, Springwood Drive, Oakwood, Derby, DE21 2RQ,

On the 1st Tuesday of each month, 8.30 pm (except January)

Branch Officers


Chair:  Mr Edward Dobson                email: dobsonedward37@gmail.com 

Vice Chair: 

Secretary:  Mrs Pam Ford                 email: cford5@sky.com

Treasurer:  Mr Aisworth Richards       email: ossie3485@yahoo.co.uk 

BCS Rep: 


Standard Bearer: 

Poppy Appeal

Details will appear here for the 2024 poppy appeal as they become available.

News & Events

Best regards for 2024 to all members. We will update you on News & Events as they become available.