poppy field


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

View our News & Events calendar for details of local Remembrance events.


Remembrance 2021


Drumhead service 14th November


Festival of Remembrance Royal Albert Hall 13th November 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Remembrance Sunday, 14th November 2021


A Drum Head Service organised by Soham branch Royal British Legion will be held at 2pm on Soham recreation ground on 14th November.

Groups should arrive at 2pm and the service will commence at 2.30pm. Members of the public are welcome.

The service will give the groups who normally took part in the street parade the opportunity to take part with their Standards and the   public the opportunity to pay their respects. Wreaths will be laid around the drums..

The Drumhead Service originated in the 1700’s when soldiers about to go into battle required a place for reflection and remembrance of their fallen comrades in the face of difficult times ahead. A Drumhead Service is a church service conducted “in the field” during armed conflict. Lacking any means of transport to take the soldiers to church, the Regimental Padre would conduct the service in the field and use the Regimental drums, piled neatly and draped with appropriate colours (national or regimental flags, for example) to create a platform upon which a bible and other pieces of equipment required to conduct a formal service.                                                                                                    

The traditional Remembrance tea will take place in the Pavilion after the drumhead service for invited guests.





11th November 2020




Soham Branch Royal British Legion in conjunction with sohamradio.org are proud to announce that at 10.45 am today 11th November a virtual Remembrance ceremony will be broadcast to include the last post, two minutes silence on the hour followed by reveille and prayers with The Reverend Eleanor Whalley, Vicar of Soham.

The virtual ceremony at 10.45 will form part of the regular Touchpoint programme starting at 10 am on sohamradio.org.




Following the virtual ceremony, a special programme called Reflections will be aired, this will include music, poems and memories.

To listen go to   www.sohamradio.org

Mike Donoghue Station Controller   email: stationcontroller@sohamradio.org




Soham programme 10th November 2019