poppy field



December 2022



11th November 2022




October 2022



4th October Touchpoint in Soham Pavillion

The forgotten war - Korea

A Touchpoint presentation

My time on the front line by Keith Watson and a return visit with the British Korean Veterans Association in 1993

Keith along with branch Chairman Mike Donoghue gave a talk and video presentation detailing Keith's time in Korea







8th September 2022


It is with deepest sorrow that the Royal British Legion marks the death of our Sovereign and Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  

We have been hugely privileged to have Queen Elizabeth serve as Patron of the Royal British Legion since her ascension to the throne on 6th February 1952. We are immensely thankful for her lifetime of faithful service and we join the entire Armed Forces community and Country in mourning her loss. 

 The Queen has always maintained a close relationship with the Armed Forces, a bond which first began when she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) in 1945. On doing so, she became the first female member of the Royal Family to serve as a full-time active member of the Armed Forces. 

As Head of the Armed Forces, the Queen was steadfastly committed to honouring the service and sacrifice of the entire Armed Forces community and leading the nation in moments of Remembrance each year during the Royal British Legion’s Festival of Remembrance and the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.  In 1971, to mark the British Legion’s 50th anniversary, Her Majesty granted the charity its Royal Charter.  

Both before and since then, Her Majesty has offered years of dedicated support to the RBL on many occasions, attending numerous events on our behalf. She first attended the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance in 1945 as the then19-year-old Princess Elizabeth. As Queen, she has attended every Festival with members of the Royal Family except for three occasions.

Her Majesty attended the dedication of the Armed Forces Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in 2007 and the official opening of Haig House, the charity’s London headquarters, in 2009. She sat for an official portrait to mark the charity’s 90th anniversary in 2011. Most recently, Her Majesty attended a service of celebration at Westminster Abbey in October 2021 to celebrate the RBL’s 100th anniversary, where she was accompanied by HRH The Princess Royal, President of the RBL Women’s Section. 

The Queen was joined by Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George in 2019 to launch the RBL’s ‘Together at Christmas’ initiative. During the launch at Buckingham Palace, as she continuously did throughout her reign, Her Majesty took the time to meet and talk with Service men and women of all ranks, and their families. Her kindness, grace, humanity and genuine interest in their experiences meant a great deal to all who encountered her on that day as it has on the many occasions when she has met with veterans, serving members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Her Majesty has been an inspiration to us all, from her unwavering sense of duty to her devotion to a lifetime of service. Her enduring dedication to the Armed Forces will be deeply missed and never forgotten and we send our sincere condolences to the Royal Family at this time.  






Cambridgeshire Royal British Legion

Affiliated Youth Groups Standard Bearer Training and Competition



We would like to offer all our Affiliated Youth Groups a chance to get some training and practice in Standard Bearing prior to Remembrance Sunday this year.  We will be holding an opportunity for them to do this on Saturday 22 October 2022.



Venue:          Cottenham Village College, High Street, Cottenham, CB24 8UA


Dress:            Uniform as appropriate to your organisation


Parking:        There is plenty of parking at the Village College


Programme:            1030-1045  Arrive

                                    1045-1245   Training and practice

                                    1245-1330   Lunch

                                    1330-1500   Competition


We would like to invite at least 2 members from all our Affiliated Groups, if the Group has its own Standard please bring it with you, there will be some RBL Standards for you to use if not.


The winner of this competition will be offered the opportunity to take on prestigious appointment of Royal British Legion Youth Standard Bearer for Cambridgeshire.


Please return the form below to the County Youth Officer



By the 23rd September 2022 at the latest


Colin Elsden

County RBL Youth Officer




Youth Group:



Number of members attending:    



Will they bring their own Standard:   


                 Yes                                                   No



Any dietary requirements:     (a buffet lunch will be available for all competitors)






August 2022


Evershed Fields


A new street off The Shade in Soham is to be called Evershed Fields in honour of Sister (Lieutenant), Mollie Evershed. Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.

Mentioned in Despatches, King's Commendation for Brave Conduct.

Mollie was 28 when she was lost on the HMHS "Amsterdam". HMHS. “Amsterdam" was sunk on 7th August 1944 by a German mine, fifty-five wounded men were lost, ten medical staff and thirty crew. Also, eleven German prisoners of war. A total of 106 were lost. The hospital ship had been operating by anchoring off Caen, by "Juno" Beach, transferring the wounded from the shore by L.C.A. (Landing Craft Assault) and ferrying them to Southampton. This Sunday morning the ship hit a mine, broke its back, and went down in 8 minutes.


Mollie’s niece lives in Soham. The family commented that Evershed Fields is lovely name for her memory.



July 2022

What's happening in the Soham Branch of The Royal British Legion.

Visit by Soham Touchpoint to the National Memorial Arboretum on Tuesday 22nd March organised by the branch.

9th March 2022


The Soham branch meeting was attended by Col. Retd. R Herriot OBE, DL, (Cambridgeshire County President) and Mr D Martin, (Ely Branch Chairman, County Awards Committee Chairman and County Parade Marshal) who presented Mr J Aitchison (branch secretary) and Mr C Elsden (branch treasurer) with Legion 100 nominee and County Certificates in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the Legion.


The funeral of Mr Ron Palmer took place on 1st September


August 2021


Soham Branch meeting took place in the Pavilion on Saturday 24th with full covide-19 Measures in place. Minutes will be disributed by the branch secretary. Members at the meeting were presented with commemortive Legion 100 certificates and badges , all other members will have theirs delivered to their homes sortly.


May 2021

RBL 100 - a century of service

Soham Branch Remembers

Marking the Centenary of the Royal British Legion

Members gathered at 09.00 on 15th May to remember the time one hundred years ago that a wreath was laid to mark the formation of The British Legion.

WW2 veterans Mrs Maudie Manning and Mr Ron Palmer took part in the wreath laying.


In preparation for the event on Saturday branch members had removed the wreaths from last year’s Remembrance Day and placed them on the war graves in the cemetery. 




Soham Village College

Soham branch RBL members were at Soham Village College on 10th December to receive Christmas gift bags and cards from Foundation Learning Tier students.  The bags were distributed to Veterans and RBL members at their homes, Soham Lodge and Millbrook by the branch in time for Christmas.  

Thank you to Mr Ben Thompson and his students in the Foundation Learning Tier for their hard work and kindness.

Thank you to branch members John Aitchison and Colin Elsden for organising the distribution of the bags.





Nevember 2020


VJ Day 14th August 2020

VE Day 8th May 2020

RBL help line

By phone: For welfare and general enquiries, call our free helpline on 0808 802 8080 (calls free from Isle of Man). Lines are open 8am to 8pm, seven days a week.

Virus update 21st March

All Touchpoint events cancelled until further notice

It is important that at a local level we ensure that we know what help and advice is available.


With immediate effect the weekly Wednesday physical Touchpoint will be put on hold and replaced with a virtual Touchpoint based around our branch news email address sohamrblnews@yahoo.com  and our branch facebook

https://www.facebook.com/SohamRoyalBriitishLegion   branch members will be given phone numbers of key branch officers and our telephone buddies will ringing around branch contacts.


16th March 2020

Soham RBL branch members moved the wreaths from the Memorial on Monday morning and placed them on the war graves in the cemetery.


Soham branch plan 2020


April/May, move the wreaths to the war graves

75th Commemoration of VE day 8th May, A special programme of events marking VE 75 will take place over the Early May Bank Holiday 2020 in Central London and has been designed to be of particular interest to all from the Second World War generation who served at home and overseas across the European theatre. Similar commemorations are expected to be reflected in communities across the nation. 

Soham Carnival 25th May

75th Commemoration of VJ Day 15th August, the Legion and the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) will be running a three-day series of activities from the 14-16 August, which will include a national service of Remembrance.

Pumpkin Fair 26th September

Soham Poppy Launch 24th October

Remembrance Sunday 8th November




AGM meeting 10th October at 7.30pm STRFC



3rd July

Presentation of a certificate of thanks to Soham Co op by James Wood


D Day

6th June 2019 at Soham Memorial

6th June 2019

Jack Ken and Ron

Ron Palmer,Ken Matkin and Jack Watson


Soham Carnival 27th May 2019

Visit by L/Cpl Haddrell Kings Royal Hussars to meet D-Day vets

The Newmarket Journal reporting team came to the Carnival stand of the Soham Branch Royal British Legion where WW2 veterans Ron Palmer, Ken Matkin and Jack Watson were taking part in the 75th anniversary commemorations of D-Day (6th June 1944).

Dan Barker of the Journal talked to the vets and interviewed serving soldier L/Cpl Dean Haddrell of the King’s Royal Hussars, the regiment is based in Tidworth and equipped with Challenger 2 battle tanks.  The KRH is a cavalry regiment and is part of the Royal Armoured Corps. The regiment was formed in 1992 by the allegation of a number of Hussar regiments with histories dating back over 300 years. D-Day vet Ken Makin severed with the 10th Hussars and during the late 1960’s and early 70’s Mike Donoghue of the Soham branch RBL served with the 14th/20th King’s Hussars, both regiments now form part of the KRH. Dean presented Ken with a regimental tankard and book to mark the link back to D-Day.

The D-Day vets will join members of the Soham Branch RBL at the memorial at 11am on the 6th June to lay a wreath in memory of all who lost their lives in the allied invasion to free Europe




Wreaths which had been place on the Memorial in Red Lion Square, Soham on 11th November 2018, were removed 0n 27th April. Rather than throwing them away, each year they are placed on the war graves in Soham cemetery. The following morning members of the Soham Branch Royal British Legion placed the wreaths on the graves where they will remain until being replaced next year.


We will remember them









Today is a time of reflection and remembrance for those who have fallen in all conflicts right up to the present day.

We should always remember and appreciate the suffering and sacrifice of service personnel and civilians in all wars.

The 100th anniversary today of the armistice at 11.00am on the 11th of November 1918 ending the fighting in the Great War has brought the nation together to honour the fallen with an outpouring of poignant events and displays like those at St Andrews Church and at the Memorial here in Soham. The work done by Charles Warner in creating all the placards carried at today’s parade mirrored the work done in the church and a vast number of people from many groups and organisation have also contributed to the efforts here in Soham and I would like to say to everyone that you did the tommies proud. Thank you.

Thank you to my Royal British Legion colleagues and all the volunteers who have help with todays events.

Mike Donoghue




The dedication of the new Branch Standard took place at St Andrews church on 21st October
The service was conducted by The Reverend Eleanor Whalley and the standard was carried by Branch Standard Bearer Jonty Woodbridge, many thanks to both.
Thank you to Glenn Woodbridge for organising the event and to the standard bearers form County, County Youth, Cherry Hinton and Ely for their suport.
The County Chairman Coilin Elsden and Branch Secratary John Aitchison were escort to the standard.  Richard Babcock and myself also represented the branch along with Mary Ames and Rosemary Aitchison who serverd tea and biscuits after the service.
Thank you to all who attended and helped.
21 Oct Standard

Branch members have  been active  throughout the year with events and  community support and on 11th October the Annual  General Meeting was held to appoint a new committee.  Glenn Woodbridge announced he was standing down after three years as  Chairman.  We thank him for his service to the branch.

We are all very busy finalising the details for the Poppy Launch on 27th October and also ensuring that the 100th year commemoration of the end of WW1 is organised.  It is important that we remember that uniquely this year the  11th November is Armistice Day and also            Remembrance Sunday, so we will ensure that on the day we remember all who have given their lives in the service of our nation.                             

 Mike Donoghue  Chairman




The County Standard Bearer Competition took place on Saturday 13th October, congratulations go to the winners of the Competitions 

May Fowler Cambridgeshire County

Debbie Williams   Cambridgeshire County Women’s Section

Morwenna Woodbridge Cambridgeshire County Youth                           (Soham Branch)





RBL representatives from, Soham and Cambridgeshire County branches travelled to Belgium for the Great Pilgrimage 90 (GP90), which took place between August 5th and 9th.

Jonty Woodbridge Standard bearer and Max Paines (Soham), as wreath bearer represented their branch and the local community at The Royal British Legion’s Great Pilgrimage 90.

Also representing Cambridgeshire Morwenna Woodbridge (Soham branch) Cambridgeshire youth standard bearer and Glenn Woodbridge (Soham) as county youth wreath bearer.








Local Royal British Legion Members To Join Thousands On Pilgrimage Of Remembrance To World War One Battlefield -1

Local Royal British Legion Members To Join Thousands On Pilgrimage Of Remembrance To World War One Battlefield -2

Local Royal British Legion Members To Join Thousands On Pilgrimage Of Remembrance To World War One Battlefield -3

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Soham Armed Forces Day 24th June photos

Soham Branch Royal British would like to thank everyone who helped on the day and also our visitors for their support.

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On the 12th June I had the proud duty of taking Morwenna our Cambridgeshire County Youth and East Midlands Standard Bearer to   receive the newly dedicated County Standard. It is a privilege to have Morwenna the County Standard Bearer and Jonty one of the youngest Branch Standard Bearers in the Soham Branch.



I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the branch members who help behind the scenes throughout the year.  

Glenn Woodbridge          Chairman                                                        Soham Branch Royal British Legion


28th May 

Soham Carnival

The branch stand at Soham Carnival 2018

John Aitchison and Mike Donoghue


 John Talking


Nationally most wreathes are sent to recycling after being taken off memorials. Here in Soham they are used for a second time to mark the war graves in Soham cemetery.

Earlier this month wreaths were removed from Soham memorial and after cleaning by John Aitchison were taken today 20th May, to the cemetery.

John was joined at the cemetery by other members of the Soham Branch Royal British Legion. Pauline and Max Paines, Liz Johnson, Glen Woodbridge and Mike Donoghue to place the wreathes on the war graves.

The Soham Soldier in WW1 uniform paid his respect.





April 2018

This is a busy year for the branch organising things for Remembrance Day and other planned events.

Already we have dedicated a Commonwealth War   Memorial at the Cemetery for Pvt Benjamin Munns.  

As well as our day to day support work and RBL “Pop In” at the library, we also laid a wreath on 1st April to mark 100 years of the RAF and attended events around the County. 

Our youth standard bearer is County and District Youth standard bearer and came fourth in the National competition.  

Just recently the grave of another WW1 War hero, James Attlesey was marked in the Cemetery with a private headstone this was done with the help of the Branch and family. 

Finally, when the wreaths come off the war memorial we will be placing them on the Commonwealth War Graves in the Cemetery.



Glenn Woodbridge         Chairman



March 2018


25th March

The Chairman requests RBL members to be in attendance at the War Memorial on 1 April 2018 at 11 am,

A wreath will be laid to mark 100years of the Royal Air Force and to honour those who lost their lives in service.
Everyone is welcome so please pass on details of this event to friends and share on your social networks


Drop In Poster Soham -Wed

Soham Branch of the Royal British Legion is organising a dedication ceremony for the newly recognised grave of First World War casualty Pte Benjamin Munns of the Suffolk Regiment.
Mr Munns was wounded twice in the fighting and was invalided home because he had been diagnosed with TB contracted on active service. He was discharged from service with 100% disability in 1918. He died in January 1920 and was buried in an unmarked grave in Soham cemetery.
Thanks to the research carried out for the book ‘Soham and the Great War’ the unmarked grave was discovered. It has recently been accepted by the Commonwealth War Graves that it was a legitimate war grave and they have now provided the appropriate headstone.

The Dedication Ceremony will be carried out at the grave:
Ceremony Details:
Location: Soham Cemetery on Fordham Road, Soham CB7 5AH
Date: Sunday 18 March 2018
Time: 12.30 pm.

25th February 2018

Morwenna 2018

Morwenna Woodbridge went to the Regional Standard Bearers competition on 25th February and she came home with the East Midlands youth standard bearer’s winners certificate, this is the second year running she has won the competition. She is now waiting to find out the dates for the national competition so she can represent the Branch, County and Regional Youth Standard Bearers

As Branch Chairman and Dad of Morwenna I am very proud of her for all the hard work in getting this far and putting Soham Branch on the map.  

Glenn Woodbridge


27th February 2018


The Funeral of our branch President Mr Reg Brown took place today.

The church was full of family and friends from the Legion and the Soham community who turned out to show their respect to a man who had touched so many lives with his charm and humanity.


Reg was a member for some years, he carried the Standard for at least 8 years, and attended many functions to represent the Branch.      Reg was also Vice Chairman and in his final year he was proud to be President of the Branch. On retiring from Standard bearing duties his comment to me was "he was proud to pass the Standard over to the younger members of the Branch who he had watched and helped to grow into fine and shining examples for the future of the Legion "

I for one will miss Reg, he helped me when he was my vice Chairman and above all he was a truly great friend and person I was privileged to have known.

                              Glenn Woodbridge

Chairman Soham Branch 


10th February 2018


It is with a sad heart that I have to report the passing away today of our President Reg Brown

I will keep you all updated of any arrangements of the family's wishes and date of his funeral in the near future

Glenn Woodbridge

Chairman Soham Branch Royal British Legion


Poppy 1



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Remembrance Sunday presentation

A memorial plaque for the fallen was presented to Soham RBL Chairman Mr Glenn Woodbridge by Chief Master SGT Phillip Alpeter, Staff SGT Douglas Pennell and Technical SGT Carl Countryman of the United States Air force.
The plaque will be erected in the cemetery at a future date. Mr Woodbridge thanked them for all their hard work in creating it to such a high standard.


Two minutes silence was observed at 11am on 11th November at Soham memorial.


The book “SOHAM AND THE GREAT WAR” received an award from CALH (Cambridgeshire Association for Local History) on 16th September for having made a substantial contribution to local history.

President Mike Petty of CALH (Cambridgeshire Association for Local History), presenting the Soham WW1 Centenary Commemoration Committee, with the award certificate on 11th November 2017. The presentation took place outside the Walter Gidney Pavilion in front of the plaque dedicated to Soham and its Heroes. The plaque was provided by the committee for the residents of Soham, past and present.


Soham WW1 Centenary Commemoration Committee Members
From left to right:

Glenn Woodbridge (instigator of the commemoration 2014 to 2018 project and Chairman of Soham Royal British Legion).

Rosemary Aitchison (Chairwoman Soham Town Council and contributor to the book).

Charles Warner (Chairman of Soham Heritage and Tourism and main writer of the book).

Mike Petty (President of CALH).

Colin Elsden (Chairman of Soham WW1 Committee and representative of Soham Royal British Legion).

Barbara Warner (Soham Heritage and Tourism and contributor to the book).

Elizabeth Johnston (Soham Town Forum and graphics input to the book).

Other members not present are George Ginn (Researcher of Soham news during the period and John Aitchison also representing Soham Royal British Legion).


Copies of 'Soham and The Great War' can be found at Soham Books, High Street, Soham

Book 1


Tickets are available from Tony 07710973840



This year our president Mr Ron Palmer has unfortunately resigned due to family commitments. He has been a Branch member for 31 years and has served in various positions on the committee for 21 of those years and will be greatly missed. We give him our heartfelt thanks and wish him well.


Branch member Len Langdon died this year and his family have kindly donated his mobility scooter for the use of other branch members. Former committee member Tony Pollard has also passed away.

We will remember them.


Success for our junior Standard Bearer Morwenna Woodbridge who won the Lee Cup for Youth Standard Bearer and also came 5th in the National Competition. She was also presented a ‘Pride of Soham’ award by the Soham Town Council in October 2017



 12 July 2016

An Australian pilot who died in 1946 shortly before he was due to marry his British bride has been honoured in a ceremony after his family tracked down his grave to Soham.


Officers from the local Royal British Legion paid their last respects by putting a cross to mark the grave of flying officer Frederick Stephens, who was in the Royal Australian Air Force in WW2 and flew Lancaster Bombers from Waterbeach with the 514 squadron including 44 missions over Germany.

Frederick died a year after the war ended in a tragic accident while piloting an airline that killed him and six others during a foggy flight from Port Ellen to Renfrew in Scotland.

His family thought he had been buried in Cambridge War Cemetery but following some digging in press reports and a letter to the Ely Standard they discovered his body was laid to rest in Soham graveyard.

Glen Woodbridge, chairman of Soham Royal British legion, said: “The family contacted us and the Royal British Legion Soham Branch was very pleased to help the family in placing the cross on Frederick’s Grave until they can sort out their own memorial.

“We had 23 people attend his service. A family member said Frederick was honoured in a way they hoped he would be.”

During his tour of duty Frederick met a war widow, Eunice Whittaker with a small son called Anthony, they fell in love and got engaged. After the War Frederick was discharged from the RAAF and returned to Australia for a short time while Eunice and Anthony tried to join him but for some reason they were not allowed to emigrate.

Frederick returned to England until the problem with her permit could be resolved and they lived in Cambridgeshire.

On September 17, 1946, Frederick began work with Scottish Airways and eight days later on September 25 they moved to Paisley in Scotland.

Just two days after their move, on September 27, Frederick was flying a Dragon Rapide from Port Ellen to Renfrew.

It was a foggy day and there was some kind of radio communication error and the plane crashed into Craigton Hill near Milngavie in Scotland.

Frederick and six others on board were killed.

The accident happened shortly before he and Eunice were due to marry.

Eunice had Frederick’s body taken back to Soham for burial. The grave was bought by his mother but through some miscommunication the family thought Frederick was buried in the Cambridge War Cemetery.

Later, the family tried to find Frederick’s grave and was shocked to find he wasn’t there so the search began to locate him and after y uncovering some police reports, they found he was in Soham cemetery.

© 2015 Archant Community Media Ltd


 Somme 100 whistle blowing and laying of a special Somme wreath at 7.30am on 01/07/2016 at the memorial in Soham 


Soham remembers the Somme and unveiling of the plaque at 14.00 on 02/07/2016 at the Recreation Ground Soham  


On 25th June, Armed Forces Day

Soham R.B.L worked with the Guides and Volunteer Police Cadets who turned out in the afternoon to clean C.W.C.G. graves. They braved the rain and washed off all of the grime and algae to make them look like new stone again. Members of the public stopped and congratulated them for doing such a great job and taking such care. 

There were 6 police cadets, nine guides and brownies that cleaned 12 graves in total with the other 12 graves being cleaned by U.S.A.F Mildenhall personnel earlier on during the day, to cover for the Scouts and A.C.F who were away at camp. 


The youth groups noticed that a grave in the cemetery was that of a boy solider of a similar age to them, he was only 16 when he died of his wounds. Each of the groups is going to take away the names marked on the graves and research each serviceman to help see them as a person and not just a headstone. In future each group will sponsor the graves on a permanent basis. 


Poppy wreaths were placed at each grave whether it was a C.W.C.G or a Private Memorial to mark them as a Soldier killed in action or died later of their wounds.                                           : Glenn Woodbridge

Sunday, November 8

Remembrance Sunday 2015

Details of the Remembrance Sunday parade and service

The parade will gather at the Soham Village College on Sand Street between 2 and 2.25pm.  The Parade moves off at 2.25 for the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial at 2.30pm.  The church service is at 3pm followed by the tea at the Pavilion.


Soham Branch 70th Anniversary of VJ Day Celebrations: Saturday 15th August 2015

The events started at the town’s War Memorial at 1pm, where a presentation of 3 large planters placed around the base of the Memorial was made.  These planters were made and presented by members of the USAF’s 100th Logistics Readiness Sqd. RAF Mildenhall, to mark the 70th anniversary of VJ Day. (picture shows Major Neris presenting the planters to Mr. Geoffrey Fisher, chair of Soham TC and Mr. Ronald Palmer WW2 veteran and Branch  president)

Events then moved to the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground where the Branch held a mini bazaar with stalls, including Books, Cake, Vegetables and others.  Visitors enjoyed tea, sandwiches and cakes, provided by the Soham Coop.

Fun and games were provided by Soham Guides & Scouts with old tabletop games and other groups taking part included the Soham & Heritage Group, The Tommies Living History group, exhibiting equipment and uniforms from the time.

The event finished at 4.30pm.








AGM was held at Town Rangers Football Club at 17.30hrs on 8 October 2015 and the following officers and committee members were elected.


President – R Palmer

Chairman – G Woodbridge

Vice Chair – R Brown

Secretary – J Aitchison

Treasurer – C Elsden

Membership Secretary – S Whitworth

Entertainment Secretary – M Ames

Welfare Secretary – M Rae (to act in a representative capacity)

Standard Bearer – R Brown

Deputy Standard Bearer – J Woodbridge

Poppy Organiser – Mrs Webb

Assistant Poppy Organiser - J Woodbridge

Committee members -  B Lanigan, R Badcock, P Paines, M Paines, G Ginn.


 Soham Branch  70th Anniversary of VJ Day Celebrations: Saturday 15th August 2015


The events started at the town’s War Memorial at 1pm, where a presentation of 3 large planters placed around the base of the Memorial was made.  These planters were made and presented by members of the USAF’s 100th Logistics Readiness Sqd. RAF Mildenhall, to mark the 70th anniversary of VJ Day. ( picture shows Major Neris presenting the planters to Mr Geoffrey Fisher, chair of Soham TC and Mr Ronald Palmer WW2 veteran and Branch  president)


Events then moved to the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground where the Branch held a mini bazaar with stalls, including Books, Cake, Vegetables and others.  People were entertained by 2 young members of the K & D Theatre group, singing songs from 1945, whilst enjoying tea, sandwiches and cakes, provided by the Soham Coop.


Fun and games were provided by Soham Guides & Scouts with old tabletop games and other groups taking part included the Soham & Heritage Group, The Tommies Living History group, exhibiting equipment and uniforms from the time.


The event finished at 4.30pm.


(For further details please contact the Secretary:  John Aitchison, 01353 720177)