poppy field

Women's Section

WS Standard Bearers Dress Code

Women’s Section Dress.

Beret. Black or dark navy in colour (to match suit) as above except:
‘Stiffened’ (blocked to height of cap badge) with Women’s Section cap badge
(obtainable from Head Office) centrally between the eyes; no beret ribbon;
bottom of beret not more than one inch above eyebrows; beret worn straight -
not pulled over to side.

Only the current pattern RBLWS official beret badge should be worn by RBLWS
Standard Bearers.

Shaped hats are not permitted. Parade Marshals and Standard Bearers are
permitted to wear head coverings in accordance with their religious beliefs. The
head covering must be Black or Dark Navy in colour. RBL’s Cap Badge must be
placed on the head covering.

Hair. Clean, neat, tidy and not resting on collar.

Facial Jewellery (i.e. earrings, nose rings etc) - None.

Suit. Neatly pressed plain black or dark navy suit (skirt, of regulation length, i.e.
approximately one and half inches below the knee, not trousers).

Tie. Official Women’s Section tie; neat and pressed; motif prominently
displayed; no tie-pin visible.

Shirt. Freshly laundered, pressed plain white shirt. NOT button down collar

Lapel Badge. Veterans badge may be worn by those WS Standard Bearers/
Judges/Marshals who qualify on all occasions.

Medals. Officially issued campaign and service medals only may be worn when
in uniform. (see para 4.9 & 4.10)

Tights/Stockings. Plain black. Opaque tights/stockings are NOT to be worn
whilst in uniform.

Shoes. Plain black, low heeled lace up shoes; well polished all over; not patent.
No toe cap shoes to be worn at any time.

Competition Bars. Awarded to the Winner and Runner Up at County/
District, Regional and National competitions. These are worn on the left lapel by
Standard Bearers but are NOT worn in competitions. Once attaining 5 individual
bars at the same level these should be removed and replaced with a 5 year bar.

Bearing. Generally smart military bearing.