poppy field

Women's Section

The Meaning of the Standard


I would remind you that these Standards are no mere flags of Silk or bunting, but are sacred emblems which have been solemnly dedicated in ample form.

Beneath their folds all poor and distressed brothers-in-arms may seek solace and relief from their afflictions.

Our Standards are all of like design as emblems of brotherhood and equality. Many of these Standards have lain in the sacred dust of the Battlefields of the Empire.

So remembering these things and the high ideals for which they stand disgrace them not. 


Your Standards represent the ideal of Service to GOD, QUEEN AND COUNTRY.

The Spirehead should remind us of the pillar of flames, or the finger pointing to Heaven, which is generally depicted in our churches by their spires.

The Union Flag bears the crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick.

St. George is the Patron Saint of Fighting Men.

St. Andrew was a Disciple of Christ.

St. Patrick was the first Christian Missionary to this Country.

Beneath these crosses all the great epics of Chivalry in our history have been achieved. Added to these Crosses are the Blue and Old Gold of the Royal British Legion.

The BLUE is to remind us of all gallant souls who have passed on beneath the deep water and in the air.

The GOLD represents those shining warriors who sanctified by service, have passed unsullied to the Throne of Grace.

The tassels remind us of the beginning and ending of life, and the Cord, the golden line along which all good Legionaires should pass during the brief sojourn on earth. The Golden fringe or frame binds us all together in one great Brotherhood.

Thus you have represented on your Standards your Service to God, your Queen and your Country.