poppy field

Women's Section

RBL Cups & Trophies

RBL Cups & Trophies

Dear Members,

I write to remind you of the various awards our membership can nominate and receive and how important it is that the efforts of everyone are properly recognised and appreciated, as they should be.

As you will all know, the greatest challenge to the making of the awards during Covid-19 has been the difficulties faced by the membership in relation to running safe activities and events and also the capture of the data supporting them, especially those awards that rely on the calculation of funds collected for the Poppy Appeal.

As a result, a new sub-committee of the Membership Council for Cups and Shields has been formed, (under my Chairmanship and including Kelly Slark, Mike Challinor and Bob Chambers), to review the systems already in place, (as laid down in the Membership Management Handbook), and invigorate the process.

It is also the view of the sub-committee that we should seek to find ways of making nominations easier for everyone and to this end, although we intend to review the non-data driven awards after Annual Conference 2024, for this year we would encourage you all to concentrate on ‘the story’ of achievements by individuals and formations rather than to overly concern yourselves with the figures.

In reality, our message is “just do your best” to let us know and in this way, we hope to receive sufficient nominations to award all categories and, whilst the sub-committee, (with the assistance of our BCS and Data colleagues, where appropriate), will make the decisions as to the various winners, we will happily come back to you for further clarification during that process, if required.

Although the nomination forms for the various awards can be found on MAP, in order to make things slightly easier for everyone, copies will be attached to this message together with the information document provided by colleagues of the Membership Department.

In addition, we will be seeking your help with those awards that do not require nomination forms and are purely data driven in relation to collections for the Poppy Appeal; The Noel Rogers Trophy, (Overseas Branches), The Bucher Trophy, (Clubs), The Poppy Appeal Trophy, (Counties – highest figures per capita based on the local population), and The Hughes Trophy, (Counties – best percentage increase per capita based on population).

For this year alone and until we can review the system in 2024, all we ask of you is to simply identify the formation and the amount collected for the period from the launch of the Poppy Appeal 2021 to 31st January 2022, and send a message to the email address, annualconference@britishlegion.org.uk whereupon, once received, the information will be forwarded to the Data, Insight and Fundraising Team, where ‘the numbers’ will be collected, collated and compared with their records in relation to monies received from the various areas and methods of fundraising.

Please see below the awards and how to nominate or receive them:

1. Haig Cup – for a branch with over 50 members which during the year, has made the most progress and is of high standard and efficiency.

2. Lister Cup for a branch with under 50 members which during the year, has made the most progress and is of a high standard and efficiency.

3. Maurice Challenge Cup – for a County/ District/ Section which has made the most progress during the year and is of a high standard and efficiency.

4. Jellicoe Cup for a branch in recognition of their sterling efforts, enthusiasm and determination to further the aims of the Royal British Legion by increasing the visibility of the services and actively supporting our Beneficiaries under the Branch Community Support scheme. Branches should be nominated by their County.

5. Churchill Shield is awarded to a National District branch which during the year has made the most progress and is of a high standard and efficiency. Branch is nominated by the National District.

6. McCrae Shield is awarded to an Overseas branch which during the year has made the most progress and is of a high standard and efficiency. Branch is nominated by the relevant District or MC Rep for Overseas or MSO.

How to apply: by relevant counites. All nominated branches must be at least three years old. All nomination forms can be found on Office365 (MAP).

7. Lewis Shield is awarded to a Legion Member with a disability who by leadership and guidance has provided substantial inspiration for other Legion members.

How to apply: Individuals are to be put forward by their Branch, with the County/ District/ Section also providing a citation in support of the application.

8. Knox Shield is awarded to any organisation or a group for their commitment and willingness to work collaboratively with our local Membership, either County Community Support Committee (or Rep) or Branch Community Support Committee (or Rep) greatly increasing awareness of our Services provided under BCS.

How to apply: Nominations should be sent from Branch or County/ District/ Section.

9. Downing Shield is awarded to an individual member who is recognised to have played an important part in the delivery of BCS, with a view to greatly improve the Legion’s support provided to our Beneficiaries.

How to apply: Nominations should be sent from Branch or County/ District.

10. Noel Rogers Trophy – for Overseas branches for raising the greatest sum of money per member for the Poppy Appeal

11. Bucher Trophy for Clubs awarded to a Club licensed by the Legion for raising the greatest sum of money per member for the Poppy Appeal.

12. Poppy Appeal Trophy for County Poppy Appeal Results (Counties) for the highest per capita figure for the Poppy Appeal based on the latest population census.

12. Hughes Trophy (Counties) for the best percentage increase per capita for the Poppy Appeal collection based on the latest population census.

How to apply: Formations need to nominate an Overseas branch, a County/District/Section or a Club with the amount of money collected for the Poppy Appeal. 

13. Ian Hamilton Cup is awarded to a Club for making significant efforts in furthering the charitable objectives of the Legion, showing good and effective general management and or significantly developing the Club. Please note, only Clubs that have a full license can be nominated.

How to apply: Clubs are to be put forward by their County/ District, who can nominate more than one Club per County.

Certificates may be awarded to runners-up.

All applications and citations should be emailed to us on annualconference@britishlegion.org.uk

The Membership Council’s group in charge of cups and shields, will then consider all applications and determine winners and runners up. Those will be invited to receive the award in Wales at the Cups and Shield ceremony at Annual Conference 2024. Each winning formation or member will be presented with a glass plaque engraved with their name and the award to keep.