poppy field

Women's Section

BCS - What have you done?

Royal British Legion Women's Section

BCS in the Community

Arthur's a WW2 Veterans 100th Birthday Cards Appeal

Thank you to all the Branches who shared the details of Arthur a WW2 Veteran who celebrated his 100th Birthday on the 27th February 2022.

Arthur joined the RBL in 1946, it was the same branch that his father was a founder member of in 1922.
He organised the Poppy Appeal in his local village with his wife for 52 years.

Alyson Wilson in Lincolnshire had asked if everyone would send him a birthday card in the hope to get 100 to be able to cheer him up and to decorate the lounge at his care home.
Well you did a fantastic job and he received 301 cards from the WS, RBL, Veterans, Well wishes, Veteran Groups, Associations and London Black Cab Drivers.
There was some lovely personal messages and some gifts too.

The cards totally changed the atmosphere at the home and all the residents and staff were so happy to have something to celebrate and what an occasion to be celebrating.

Arthur received a visit from Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, who is also the Patron of the RBL in Lincolnshire.
He received a certificate of long service from the RBL Lincolnshire County and a letter from the RBL Director General.
He was also visited by two soldiers from the Royal Anglian Regiment Northamptonshire Company, who Arthur had served with during WW2.
They presented him with a Regimental Plaque and the troops had all chipped in to send him a birthday cake.
Which was made by one of the Army wives. It was 100 in numbers so there was lots of cake for the residents.
Arthur said it was beautiful.

Arthur's daughter and niece and her husband were able to join us all.

The highlight of the day was hearing Arthur talking about his times in the war, which he had told me during my visits to see him.
However, he had never spoken about them to his family before and it was so nice to see how interested they all were and how these would have been totally lost if it hadn't have been for this opportunity.

Having served for 6 years in Egypt and Sicily before being wounded and returned to finish his service in the UK.
It was nice to create some happy memories for him.
He had a wonderful afternoon.

The following day he had his birthday party with his fellow residents and they all had an alcoholic drink of their choice.

The next day he had a Party with his family at the local pub and received his Birthday card from  Her Majesty The Queen.

 IN total with his 301 cards from us all cards and from Family & friends, the totally was nearly 400.