poppy field

Women's Section

Membership Information & Links

 All Information with the links attached.

If there is anything that you would like us to add then please let us know by contacting our MSO:Women@britishlegion.org.uk





Royal British Legion Membership Management Handbook - March 2024
Please Note: MMH is 144 pages and is updated every 6 months.

WS Bye Laws Royal British Legion Women's Section Bye Laws 2019
Membership  Membership
BCS  Branch Community Support
  Branch Community Support Guidance
Carer’s  Network for Carer’s
MS1 Forms

MS1 September 2023 edition 
- (Submit before 31st December 2023)

Self Declaration Document v2 06.10.23
- (To be read before signing the MS1)

 Forms RBL Volunteer Expenses Claim Form
  SOP42 Staff & Volunteers Expenses Procedure
  RBL Photography & Video Permission Information
  RBL Photography & Video Permission Form
County Supported Branches CSB Branches guide.docx
GDPR Data Protection Guidance for RBL Branches.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018
Recruiting Handbook Recruiting Handbook - V8 November 2021.pdf
Events Organising a Fundraising Event - HSE Guidance
  RBL Event Guidance for Branches
  Event & Activity Guide
  Risk Assessment Example
  Risk Assessment - HSE Guidance
  RBL Risk Assessment
  RBL Public Liability Insurance 2022/23
I.T. Security I.T Security Booklet
Teams Meetings ABeginnersGuideToTeams.pdf
Ceremonial RBL Remembrance & Ceremonial Services
  Royal British Legion Ceremonial Handbook
Collect / Prayer The Collect of the RBL
Women's Section
Useful Music: Royal British Legion March
  Last Post
  The National Anthem
  Land of Hope & Glory
  Last Post, Two Minute Silence, Reveille (4.12)