poppy field


Wiltshire County Conference


Saturday 4th February 2023


Well there it was gone! The parties over etc etc etc. A good informative conference took place and gave much to think on. General Sir Jack Deverell KCB OBE DL gave a welcome speech, with his closing notes giving all present food for thought.
County Chairman Paul Mayo in his report did similar with his report setting out his hoped for strategy to take Wiltshire branches forward together and create a branch network that communicates and helps to grow the membership and success of the branches. Not a short term sticking plaster more a long term healed and growing stronger strategy.

We hope to have the full minutes of the confernce available soon but in the meantime some photos of well deserved award winners and certificate awards can be below.

Chivalry and Teamwork

Todays (4 Feb 2023) County Conference drew members from far and wide to the meeting. The theme of the conference was pretty much summed up at the end of the day when a potential maiden in distress situation arose. Teamwork.

Many of you will know Maureen Hansford from Shrewton. Today she was in attendance as branch standard bearer and as ever did a fantastic job with the other members of the standard bearer team. As she was about depart however disaster appeared to have struck. The dreaded "Flat Tyre" and now what do I do. 
Well as you can imagine none of our members would let a damsel struggle and certainly not the standard bearer team.
Up steps our County Parade Marshall and a select support team to jump straight to the young ladies aid. Tyre swiftly swapped enabling Maureen to get home safe and sound. Photographic evidence is attached.
A question raised by a member who should remain nameless was "How many standard bearers does it take to change a tyre?" 
Maureen is not too worried as they enabled her onward journey to be a safe one.

Answers to the question raised above on a postcard to............