poppy field


Paul Mayo, County Chairmans message

Since March 2020, we have seen a step-change in how we do business and operate as a charity. No one could have foreseen the colossal upheaval that we would all have to go through with the Coronavirus pandemic, both as legion   members and personally within our network of family and friends.

In our local communities, we have witnessed first-hand what BCS means. We   have seen Branches supporting their communities as a whole, not just the Armed  Forces community but everyone, regardless of Legion membership. It is almost like   how everyone pulled together in the two World Wars.

What has been very apparent is how vital the local legion Branch is within each local community. We have proved that Legion Branches consist of a team of  committed people who can tackle many difficult situations. When the going gets  tough, we do not run away from our community responsibilities because we are in a crisis. We have proved we are so much more than an organisation that runs remembrance every year and sends Standard Bearers to attend funerals. We are  a force for good in all our communities. This pandemic has provided much well-deserved recognition.

Last year was our Centenary, and despite all the difficulties with the pandemic, it was a huge opportunity to remind local  communities what the RBL stands for, what we do in the local community, and what  we have been doing in many areas for over 100 years. COVID has not passed completely yet, but once it is safe to do so, we should get out in our communities and remind people that the Branches will not survive another 100 years without members. We need people to join us to secure the organisation’s future and ensure we will always be there in times of crisis.

In the future, we must engage fully in BCS and welfare in every Branch. The RBL  has invested heavily in new methods to drive forward BCS and keep the Legion at the forefront of veterans' support and, therefore, in the public eye. I would be grateful if all Branches could support the MSO in registering your Branch for BCS and ensuring you have a BCS volunteer. In many cases, all veterans need someone  to talk to, and that alone provides them with hope. My thanks and admiration go to all Branches who have supported their communities during this difficult time.

As you all know, this is my first year as Chairman of Wiltshire Country. In the last few years, I have witnessed many changes in the way the Legion operates. I have  seen the Pop-In centres open and then close. I have seen the effects of  the pandemic and how we have all worked together to help our communities. More  importantly, I have seen just how committed the Branches in Wiltshire are to all aspects of RBL support for veterans.

Please keep up your excellent work