poppy field


Great piece of news from Warminster Branch


Every year at The Minster Church of Saint Denys in Warminster the town puts on a Christmas tree display, for about three days. Each tree is provided and decorated by individual charities, schools, businesses and even people. There is no prizes or incentives we all just do it. We have been doing it for as long as I remember (7 years) and before that. 

This year there was about a hundred trees and its quite an impressive display. So its an honour to be mentioned in the Warminster Journal and to have a picture published.

 Warminster Tree 2017

Attached are scans of the newspaper cuttings and a copy of the poem mentioned.



Nature created a flower,

With petals of brilliant red.

Who’d have thought such a beautiful flower

Would be used to remember the dead.

For when all the guns have stopped firing, and there was only the mud and the rain

God sends down his little red flowers

To cover the lads who remain

So remember every November,

When we hold our Remembrance day

Of the lads who lie ‘neath the Poppies

And the price that they had to pay.


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