poppy field


Fundraising in Wales

10 Easy steps to organising a fantastic fundraising event!


1. Keep it simple

2. Ask

Ask your friends and colleagues to get involved. This way you will be able have fun as well getting the benefit of lots of different ideas and experiences. Don't forget you can always contact your local Community Fundraiser, they love to hear about all your amazing fundraising events and they might be able to help.

3. Be organised

Have a clear plan of your event from the beginning; this includes dates, times and venue. Always be sure to check your event doesn't clash with any other events both locally and nationally. For example football matches and school holidays!

4. Draw up a budget

Try and calculate all the expenses for the event for example venue hire, publicity, refreshments etc against the estimated income. This way you can see where you need to cut costs or get sponsorship. Companies may be able to donate gifts and services for a reduced rate for charities, there is no harm in asking!

5. Seek Permission

Make sure you check whether you need special licenses or permission, especially when serving alcohol or playing music.

6. Be safe

As the event organiser you will have to ensure the safety of the guests. When doing your initial planning take in to account first aid, health and safety and fire safety requirements. Check with the event venue whether you will be covered under their insurance.

7. Publicise your event

Promote your event in the local area. You could put up posters, hand out flyers or even get the local radio stations and news papers involved. Download our template press release and posters from the London regional website to help you. Don't forget to send details of the event into the London fundraising office so an advert can be featured on the regional and national website and in the newsletter.  Contact your local community fundraiser for any other help you need.

8. Thank everyone involved

Don't forget to thank everyone who helped and got involved with your event. It is very important to show your appreciation to your volunteers and who knows you might need their help for your next event!  If you need any help with this please don't hesitate to contact your Community Fundraiser or the London Fundraising Office.

9. Pay in your money

Please fill out the downloadable paying in form and send it along with the money

raised to the Wales Area Fundraising Office (address below).

10. Last but not least…… Have fun!

Useful Numbers

Wales Area Fundraising Office

The Royal British Legion
18/19 High Street
CF10 1PT

Lynne Woodyatt - Community Fundraiser South & Mid Wales lwoodyatt@britishlegion.org.uk T: 01685 389103 M: 07827 230619

Kevin Forbes - Community Fundraiser North Wales    
kforbes@britishlegion.org.uk  T: 01978 754593  M: 07876 476790
Poppy Appeal North Wales on Facebook

Phillip Flower - Community Fundraiser West Wales
pflower@britishlegion.org.uk T: 020 3207 2450  M: 07500 764080