poppy field

Spain District North

Press Cuttings

Welcome to a Selection of Press Cuttings Related to the Legion and the District


This year’s Poppy Appeal takes place against the unprecedented background of the current health crisis. Current restrictions have led to the usual ceremony to launch the Poppy Appeal here in Spain being severely curtailed but both the ceremony and the Poppy Appeal itself will continue. Please join us here on Facebook next Friday at 11.55 when we will broadcast the ceremony live from Benidorm.
This crisis has significantly increased the level and complexity of the work done by The Royal British Legion in supporting veterans and their dependants here in Spain, making your donation even more vital. Although current restrictions will affect how poppies are made available in some areas, we will do all that we can to make sure that you can donate and obtain your poppy – you can also contact us through our Facebook page for more details or if you have any problems.
You can donate at any time by using our Go Fund Me fundraiser - https://www.gofundme.com/.../poppy-appeal-district-north...

The Work of the Legion Continues....

In spite of the current crisis, or perhaps because of it, the Legion here is Spain is providing help and assistance to an unprecedented number of Beneficiaries.  The money raised in Spain during the annual Poppy Appeal stays here to help veterans and the families who find themselves in need, so the money you donate is needed every bit as much this year as in previous years.  If you know of any veteran who needs our help you can get in touch through our How We Can Help page.