poppy field

Spain District North

Poppy Appeal 2012

Poppy Appeal Total for 2012.jpg

The Royal British Legion in Spain held their Annual Conference in Alicante at the weekend.  Members attending heard the District Chairman, Chris Wyatt, say "I am amazed and truly overwhelmed at the response to the Poppy Appeal for 2012.  I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, all those who have contributed to the fantastic total of€171,376.88. (making an increase of 28% over the money raised in 2011 ) Not just in terms of cash, but all those unsung volunteers who have given so freely of their time to go out  to airports, shopping malls, bars etc throughout the year in order that The Royal British Legion in Spain can help our Beneficiaries."

Robin Hargrave, the District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, said "We must remember too, that every centimo we receive is used towards the welfare of serving and ex service men and women and their families who find themselves in great need"

As our veterans can now be as young as 18, the Legion is there to support them for the rest of their life.  Spending as it did last year, £250,000 every day, shows our total commitment to those who have served their country but may need our help in the future.

To find out more about The Royal British Legion, please go to our website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/spain-north or email secretary.rbl.dns@gmail.com

The photo shows l-r

Eddie Hefferman MBE, Overseas Trustee, Robin Hargrave, District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, Jean Chattey, District Treasurer and Chris Wyatt, District Chairman


Peggy Wyatt
District Public Relations Officer



14th January 2012