The Poppy Appeal in Spain-North
2012 Poppy Appeal Total

The Royal British Legion in Spain held their Annual Conference in Alicante at the weekend. Members attending heard the District Chairman, Chris Wyatt, say "I am amazed and truly overwhelmed at the response to the Poppy Appeal for 2012. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, all those who have contributed to the fantastic total of€171,376.88. (making an increase of 28% over the money raised in 2011 ) Not just in terms of cash, but all those unsung volunteers who have given so freely of their time to go out to airports, shopping malls, bars etc throughout the year in order that The Royal British Legion in Spain can help our Beneficiaries."
Robin Hargrave, the District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, said "We must remember too, that every centimo we receive is used towards the welfare of serving and ex service men and women and their families who find themselves in great need"
As our veterans can now be as young as 18, the Legion is there to support them for the rest of their life. Spending as it did last year, £250,000 every day, shows our total commitment to those who have served their country but may need our help in the future.
To find out more about The Royal British Legion, please go to our website: or email
The photo shows l-r
Eddie Hefferman MBE, Overseas Trustee, Robin Hargrave, District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, Jean Chattey, District Treasurer and Chris Wyatt, District Chairman

As 2011 had been such a difficult economic year, it was expected that the Poppy Appeal for the District North area would reflect this downturn. However, this was not the case
and the Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator Tony Dengate revealed that the District had
raised a staggering 134,131.18€. This is an increase of 25% over last year. Tony thanked all those who helped raise the money for this tremendous result - the local Legion Branches, their members and businesses, as well as the many people who asked for boxes of poppies to distribute in their areas. The Chairman and Committee of The Royal British Legion in Spain would like to add their profound gratitude and thanks to all their volunteers, those dedicated men and women who gave up so much of their time to distribute Poppy boxes and collecting tins, who spent hours of time at various shops and airports and who then had to spend further hours counting it all!
Our thanks also goes to all those who gave so generously to the Poppy Appeal this year. We couldn't run this charity without your contributions and you are helping us to help our
people in need.
The last year was an extremely busy one for the Legion in Spain. In April, in collaboration with the Diputación de Alicante, we hosted the highly successful 90th Anniversary Celebrations when many Spanish Mayors together with dignitaries and Consuls from other European countries, joined us to enjoy a truly memorable event. Photos of the performances are able to be viewed on our website: On this site there is also information about
all our Branches as well as how we assist our beneficiaries in Spain.
The Legion is well known for its support of those serving, and who have previously served, in the British Armed Forces. Our welfare caseworkers have also been busy during the past year. Amongst our successes - have been 31 immediate need grants, in three cases we were able to get assistance with War Pensions, and 12 were given support and
information. This is in addition to the many requests where we have successfully "sign posted" those needing help. Enquiries are varied and anyone who feels we may be able to assist, is asked to ring our Welfare Co-ordinator on 676 451 780.
The Royal British Legion is at the forefront, constantly campaigning on behalf of Armed Forces personnel in order to get the best possible facilities and financial support for our beneficiaries in times of great need. We acknowledge the tremendous work undertaken by so many people in order to aid our service men and women.
Thank you one and all.
Photo: Eddie Hefferman MBE (Overseas Trustee) Tony Dengate (District Poppy Co-ordinator) and Chris Wyatt (District Chairman)
2011 Poppy Appeal Launch
The 91st Poppy Appeal was launched on 18th October at Jávea. Anyone who feels they would like to assist either delivering poppy boxes, or by displaying items in their businesses, is asked to contact the District Poppy Appeal Organiser -
Each year, in early November some 30,000 Legion volunteers take to the streets of the UK with poppies and collecting boxes, raising millions of pounds for the Poppy Appeal.
The money collected at this time and from numerous other fundraising activities throughout the year, goes to providing help and support to serving and ex-Service men and women and their dependants.
The Poppy Appeal Launch 2010 at Torrevieja
The 2010 Poppy Appeal was launched by the British Consul, Paul Rodwell on 8th October at the Lounge Bar, Torrevieja. Members of the press, television and radio were joined by members from local Branches to hear Tony Dengate, the District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator set the scene for this year's Appeal.
During the afternoon, Paul Rodwell presented Peggy Wyatt with a long service award.

Here we see Chris Wyatt, District Chairman, reminding everyone that the Legion has been supporting all our beneficiaries since 1921.
seated l to r - Wendy Dengate (District Welfare Co-ordinator), Paul Rodwell (British Consul from Alicante) Tony Dengate (District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator) and Peggy Wyatt (District Public Relations and Recruitment Officer)
In 2009, Spain-North raised over 101,000 Euros and hopes to increase on this total for 2010(financial year calculated from Oct to Sep). With 20 Branches in the District, this was a tremendous result and thanks goes to all those who took part.
In Spain we are not permitted to have poppies and collecting tins in the streets, so our boxes are displayed within bars, restaurantes, supermarkets and other businesses.
Poppy People
We always need new volunteers - Poppy People - to assist with Poppy Appeal collecting in Spain-North.
Without volunteer helpers, without appeal organisers planning the collections, this great cause - that helps thousands of ex-Service men and women every year - would grind to a halt.
And we urgently need to recruit more people as many of our current volunteers are retiring from active duty. Add to this the ever increasing demand on the Legion's services and you can see we need your help more than ever.
Please contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator if you are interested in helping.