poppy field

Spain District North



The Annual Conference of The Royal British Legion, District Spain North, was held in Alicante with representatives from the majority of branches as well as Legion Head Office in London and  the British Consulate in Spain.  As well as the Overseas Member of the Membership Council, Bob Chambers, our Overseas Membership Support Officer, Heather Mason, was also in attendance.

During the Conference Proceedings Certificate of Appreciation were awarded to Pamela Dawson-Tasker BEM, Robin Hargrave and Jean Chattey in recognition of their many years of selfless service in support of the Legion in Spain.

The Poppy Appeal Award went to Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch, while the Recruitment and Retention award was won by Gandia Branch.

As his final contribution to the Poppy Appeal in Spain, the outgoing Poppy Appeal Coordinator, Robin Hargrave, announced that the total amount raised during the 2018 Poppy Appeal was an amazing €176,084, an increase of €7,000 on the 2017 figure.  The majority of this money is actually spent here in Spain in support of Veterans and their families.