District North Annual Conference 27th January 2017

The Annual Conference took place at Ciudad Patricia, Benidorm on 27th January. Delegates from 13 Branches heard the various speakers. The National Chairman, Terry Whittles spoke of the various facets of Legion work and was also looking to the future. Lloyd Milen, Consul General in Barcelona was stepping down as Legion President. He paid tribute to the volunteers of the Legion and thanked them for their dedication in helping others.
Nigel Hails retired following three years as Chairman and the role is now taken by Donald Cubbon.
Members were delighted that once again the total amount raised for the Annual Poppy Appeal was in excess of 165,000€. Tremendous testament to the work carried out by the Branches during the year and the generosity of the many nationalities in Spain.
Further photogaphs of this important event appear below.

Sr Toni Perez Perez, Alcalde de Benidorm

Retiring Chairman Nigel Hails reaffirmation of the District Standard

Retiring President Lloyd Milen, Consul General, Barcelona

National Chairman Mr Terry Whittles

National Chairman Terry Whittles and District Chairman Donald Cubbon