poppy field

Spain District North

Massed Choirs

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English Choir

The English Choir - sing light hearted Music from the shows. They perform
for holiday groups visiting Denia and sing Carols at Christmas and
Sacred Music at Easter time. The MD is Llona Martin and the accompanist
Heather Butcher.   The choir rehearse at the Pensionista center in Teulada. Thursday morning at 1100 am    email English choir       ronandju@terra.esp


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The Coral Classica Javiense

The Coral Classica Javiense - sing classical music and they have many

different nationalities in their choir. They sing in Latin, Spanish, English,

Dutch and Russian. The president is Llona Martin and Musical Director

Joanne Baldwin.  For further details, email llona.martin1@gmail



Coral Crevillentina

Coral Crevillentina - was originally a male voice choir however, after
the Spanish Civil war, it was reformed becoming a mixed choir. This is
one of Spain's oldest group of singers and has earned numerous honours
and awards. There are currently 50 active members of all ages and they have
performed in most cities of Spain and many cities around the world. They
perform operatic and Classical works. They also have several CDs
including :  Marcha Mora "Crevillent" Antonio Ruda on CD, with the Banda Municipal de Alicante promoted by the Diputación de Alicante.


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Crescendo International Choir

Cresendo - In June 2004 Mary Priddle, an experienced chorister, discussed with friends the potential for a mixed-voice choir in the Torrevieja area. Mary had been a regular patron of concerts by the male voice Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers, and had noted their improved performance under the directorship of the newly-appointed Chas Smith. Contact was made with Chas, who responded very favourably towards the prospect of taking on the role of Musical Director for the choir.

Further discussion led to a consensus that the new choir, although 'serious' about the quality of its performance, should be a 'fun' choir with a wide and international repertoire embracing all types of quality vocal music. Our brilliant piano accompanist, Sue Trick, is an accomplished musician recently retired from her role as Director of a British School of Music and is also teaching music at a local school.

The final essential was achieved with the attendance of no fewer than thirty-four potential choristers of both genders at the inaugural meeting. Since then the Choir, under the Directorship of Chas Smith, has continued to grow in numbers, prestige and ability, and looks forward to a future bright with promise having now over 70 members registered.


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The Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir

The Costa Blanca Male voice choir -  is the only expatriate choir of this type
and was formed by Mike Evans.  There are 35 current members. The MD and Accompanist is Heather Butcher. 

The Costa Blanca Male Voice choir have a web site of this name they rehearse at the Bar Mediterrano Teulada on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm  members Mike Evans  tikkievans@gmail.com.
