poppy field

Spain District North

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Terra Natura - Saturday 18th June 2011

Following the 90th Celebrations, we were kindly given vouches from both El Corte Inglés Alicante, (500 Euros) and Terra Natura (500 Euros) near Benidorm.  We are most grateful to both companies for their support.

On 18th July at Terra Natura the winners from the Branches were drawn.  Our photo shows, Wendy Dengate 90th Event Organiser, Leire Bilbao Marketing and Commercial Manager at Terra Natura, Elizabeth Bell, British Vice Consul from Alicante Consulate and Chris Wyatt, District North Chairman.

The lucky winners have been informed.


PHOTOS:  More to follow.

To see those kind courtesy of Angel García click here


A PERFORMANCE DVD IS AVAILABLE AT 10 EUROS.  For further details email:  rbl.dvd@gmail.com or ring 00 34 648 860 251


On Saturday 2 April 2011 we celebrated the 90th Anniversary of the Legion in style.

With the support and assistance of the Diputación de Alicante, the celebrations were the first major event to take place in the new Auditorio de Diputación de Alicante. There was music, singing and entertainment.  This was a unique opportunity.

For information on the Artists who took part , please click here.