poppy field

Spain District North

District Forecast of Events


So that we are keeping the Branches, Members and local communities updated I have added some key dates for 2023 below. 

Additional information will follow from the District Secretary, Diane Findlay-Craig and the District Training Officer, Paul Franks in due course, this information will be sent to your Branch Secretaries and Chairmen & Chairladies.

  • Caseworker Course – Wed 18th & Thu 19th Jan 2023
    • The Expat Centre, Quesada
  • Annual Meeting of the District Conference – Tue 24th Jan 2023
    • Hosted by Torrevieja Branch at The Oasis, San Luis
  • Chairman’s Seminar – Wed 25th Jan 2023
    • Hosted by Torrevieja Branch at The Oasis San Luis
  • Branch Treasurer & LOMAS Course – Mon 10th & Tue 11th Apr 2022
    • The Expat Centre, Quesada
  • District Armed Forces Day (AFD23) – Sat 24th Jun 2023
    • Hosted by Torrevieja Branch - Archpriest Parish of the Immaculate Conception
  • District Poppy Appeal Launch (PAL23) – Sat 14th Oct 2023
    • Hosted by Benidorm Branch
  • District Armistice Day – Sat 11th Nov 2023
  • District Festival of Remembrance – Sat 11th Nov 2023
    • Hosted by Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch & Torrevieja Branch
    • Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio
  • District Remembrance Sunday – Sun 12th Nov 2023

The following additional courses and events will be confirmed once the District Training Officer (DTO) has the dates and locations, please remember if Branches would like to host a course in their local area, providing sufficient numbers can be reached the DTO is happy to engage, we will of course invite other Branches to your area, so the location and venue selected needs to be suitable.

  • District Management Course
  • Branch Management, Membership Administration & Office 365 Course
  • Branch Community Support Course
  • Recruitment Advisors Course
  • Standard Bearers Course
  • Parade Marshal Course
  • District Standard Bearers Competition

As more dates and locations are confirm this post will be updated.