poppy field


Riders Branch (BR3542) in the North East

Formed in November 2004, the Riders Branch is one of the largest and most active National Branches with nearly 6,000 members worldwide. We work year round in support of the Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal across the UK. Requirements for membership are that you have an interest in motorcycles and you support the aims of the Legion.

Here in the North East, we have a hectic summer season with stands at various events including the South Shields Armed Forces Day, Durham Police Bikewise, Consett Music Festival and many other events including local motorcycle rallies. We also do quite a bit in support of local Branches, especially during Poppy Appeal when we collect at Supermarkets for several Branches and on the Saturday of Remembrance weekend, you will always find us at Grays Monument in Newcastle with our motorcycles collecting for the Newcastle Central Poppy Appeal. Indeed, in 2019, the Riders Branch in the North East raised over £20,000 for the Poppy Appeal either in our own right or on behalf of local Branches.

We can also be found supporting County events such as the Garden of Remembrance at Saltwell Park, the County Carol Service and various other events.

The Riders Branch is not only about fundraising though, it’s about enjoyment and a love of motorcycles as well, so we also have fun through the year with regular ride outs, weekly social meets and our National Events. Around 9th May, we have a ride to the National Memorial Arboretum where we hold a memorial service for Branch members we have lost since our formation. July sees the Riders National Rally which is hosted by a different region each year. We also have a Christmas meal and get together each year in the North East and another one in January which attracts members from all over the North and sometimes beyond.

We also take Remembrance seriously with members attending Remembrance Sunday services around the North East and the garden of remembrance as mentioned above. We have also taken over the duty of ensuring that wreaths are laid as requested at the graves of German airmen at Castletown Cemetery. This service was completed by Mary Reid for some 60 years until she passed away in 2018. year. During the centenary years from 2014 to 2018, we rode to the grave or memorial of every VC winner of the Great War in the North East and placed a cross.

We are an active Branch in the North East with almost 200 members in the region and you will see us regularly either on the road or at various events.

The Branch is split into Regions, each with a Regional Rep who is a member of the Branch Committee. The North East region is further split into Counties with a County Rep responsible for each County.

For any further information or if your interested in joining please click on the link below to contact one of the County Reps .

North East Regional Rep

Northumberland County Rep

Tyne & Wear County Rep

Durham and Cleveland County Rep