poppy field


Northumbria Royal British Legion Standard Bearers

News Flash  - July 2021

RBL Branch Standard Bearers


The annual County Standard Bearer Competition will be held on Saturday 25 September 2021 Muster and prepare from 10:00, 11:00 competition start

St George’s Drill Hall
Sandyford Road

All Branch Standard Bearers are encouraged to attend however, at least one training session must be attended prior to the competition.
We are attempting to arrange training sessions and will let you know when dates have been confirmed.

We have already had interest shown and this year, we will hopefully also have a Youth section.

Please contact Kenneth Kemp with your Standard Bearer details if they wish to attend.

Please see out Coronavirus page for the latest information regarding Standard Bearers due to the new lockdown


How to become a Branch Standard Bearer

A Branch Standard Bearer should be appointed by the Branch Committee.  It is essential that the person selected should be physically strong and more than capable of handling the Standard under all conditions.  It is also advisable that if possible, each Branch have a second/deputy Standard Bearer to be able to cover in the case of illness, work or holidays.

Role and responsibilities of a Branch Standard Bearer

Attendance at Local/neighbouring town’s funerals when requested by families 

  • Attendance at mandatory parades, for example County Conference, Field of Remembrance, County Events, Branch AGM’s.  
  • Attendance at County Standard Bearers Competitions, even if not completing Be appropriately attired at all times when performing duties as a Standard Bearer
  • Securely looking after, maintaining and caring for the Standard

Dress code for Standard Bearers

The dress code is quite specific, please see the RBL dress code for the legion Standard Bearers Also please look at the Medals Etiquette 

Training for Standard Bearers

As a Branch Standard Bearer in Northumbria, you will be asked to attend training at a minimum of 3 times per year. All training events can be found in the County Calendar  Please contact the MSO to indicate which training event you wish to attend.  The MSO and the County Parade Marshal can also provide all details. 

Care and responsibility to the Standard

The Standard is a constant symbolic reminder to members of the Legion's motto, 'Service not self'. For information regarding the maintenance of Standards, please see: British Legion Standards 

County Standard Bearer Competition

The County holds a competition every year normally in the September.  The last completion was held on 31 August 2019 at St George’s Barracks, Newcastle and was a great success.

1st place went to Graham Meek – Consett Branch who has been County Standard Bearer from 25 Jan 2020


2nd place  Adam Owens  - Newcastle West Branch Deputy County Standard Bearer from 25 Jan 2020


3rd place Stephen Moses – Blyth Branch



This picture shows those in attendance, attending Marshals

Eddy Woodall, County Parade Marshal

Eric Ingram who were the attending marshals

It was a hard fought competition with hardly any points separating the three competitors.

Graham Meek returned following injury to take back the title, defended brilliantly by the previous year’s champion, Adam Owens.  Stephen Moses, still relatively new, offered an excellent performance, improving year on year, was only just beaten into third place. 

Every competition offers an unbelievable standard of performance but we need more Standard Bearers to pitch in against these stalwarts of the discipline.



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