poppy field

Northern Ireland

Support us



The Northern Ireland Poppy Appeal is desperately in need of new volunteers in all counties – can you help? The Appeal is at risk of losing out on vital funds if we cannot adequately cover all areas, whether that’s through street collections, house to house collections, static poppy stalls, or placing poppy boxes in local schools and businesses. If you can spare even a couple of hours of your time, please contact Lyn Palmer on 07827367447 or lpalmer@britishlegion.org.uk and you will be put in touch with your local Poppy Appeal Organiser. The Poppy Appeal raises around half of the money spent by the RBL on welfare work every year – our beneficiaries need you. Please help us to help them.



Can you spare some time?

Hundreds and thousands of people each year donate something special to the Legion - their time.  Volunteers are on the front line for the Legion, carrying out a range of activities all year round, including fundraising, Remembrance and welfare.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Legion.