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Northern Ireland

Get Money Fit with MONEYFORCE

Debt getting you down?  Struggling to make ends meet? Having a baby? Going on deployment? Need money in a hurry? Getting married? - MoneyForce can help

MoneyForce is a programme designed to improve the financial capabilities of members of the Armed Forces.

The MoneyForce website has been created and delivered by the Royal British Legion, working in collaboration with the MOD.

Funding for the project has been provided by the Standard Life Charitable Trust to support greater financial capability and the very specific needs of service personnel.

Introduced by former Army PTI Dame Kelly Holmes, MoneyForce also features video case studies, based on true life stories from the Armed Forces community.

Topics covered on the site include planning your finances – including when going on deployment or getting a new posting – as well as dealing with crises, such as problem debt, injury or illness.

Members of the Armed Forces and their families can find information relevant to their situation, whether they’ve just joined up or are planning a family or about to retire.

Covering all aspects of personal finance, the MoneyForce website and associated training programme encourages service personnel to get ‘MoneyFit’ by taking control of their own finances. The site includes:

• Interactive tools including a Budget Planner, Credit Card Calculator and Car Costs Calculator

• Money Fitness Tips for a healthier wallet and brighter future

• Quizzes for users to test their knowledge on a range of money topics