The majority of RBL policies are contained in the Royal Charter which is supplemented by the Membership Handbook. There are also other Handbooks and separate policy statements, such as Safeguarding etc which are all available on the Membership Administration Portal (MAP), which is only accessible to users.
County Policies
From time to time, it may be necessary for the County Committee to issue local policies which are not specifically included in the main RBL publications. Furthermore, separate guidance on key issues may be issued which provides an explanation of the rules etc in more details, consolidating information from across a range of documents for convenience - these are shown on the Branch Guidance page of this website.
The following are the current County policies which apply to all branches in Northamptonshire:
1. County Plan 2023-2026 (Rev Jan 2025).
2. Branch Coverage (May 2023). A list of branches with the towns and villages that fall under their remit (not Poppy Appeal areas).
3. County Awards (Oct 2024).
4. Funeral Policy (Dec 2023).
5. Communications Strategy (July 2024)
Any queries should be directed to: