poppy field


Contact The Royal British Legion in Norfolk




All Welfare Enquiries: 0808 802 8080

Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk




County Officers
Patron General The Lord Dannatt GCB CBE MC DL
President Lt. Gen. Jonathon Page CB OBE


Mr Paul Smith MBE     Norfolk.Chairman@rbl.community
Vice-Chairman   Mrs Ann Rogerson  Norfolk.ViceChairman@rbl.community                                               
County Treasurer    Mrs Sandra Cocks
County Events & Recruiting Officer

Mrs Ann Rogerson

County Media Officer   Mr Brian Bandy
County Training Officer   

Mr J Linkin    Norfolk.CTO@rbl.community

Parade Marshal   Mr R Hipkin
County Standard Bearer Ms Elizabeth Davies
County Conference Committee Chairman Mr John Linkin norfolk.cto@rbl.community
Chaplain Rev Canon Sally Theakston 
County Community Support Representative Mr Derek Tomkinson 

County Youth Officer


Welfare Support & Staff

T: 0808 802 8080 

Area Manager (Essex and East Anglia) Mr J McCarthy    Eastanglia@britishlegion.org.uk
Information and Advice Team Leader
(Essex and East Anglia)
Ms S Calvert    Eastanglia@britishlegion.org.uk
Advice and Information Officer (East Anglia and Essex)

 Mr A Hill   Eastanglia@britishlegion.org.uk

Regional Benefits and Money Advisor Miss Katy Lewi
Fundraising Staff    
Norfolk Community Fundraiser (Poppy Appeal)

Ms Lyn Hatch  E: lhatch@britishlegion.org.uk

T:  07795 426 529

Membership Staff  
Membership Engagement Officer (Norfolk)


Mr Gary Cocks gcocks@britishlegion.org.uk


Membership of The Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just members or ex-members of the Armed Forces and we always welcome new members. Just contact your local branch and complete a membership form or go online at https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/membership/become-a-member/. Don't forget to complete the Direct Debit part of the form too. That way you won't forget to renew your membership next year.
