poppy field


D-Day 70

Call for D-Day veterans visiting Normandy for 70th anniversary in June

DDay 702014 marks the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Landings during the Second World War. The Royal British Legion and the Ministry of Defence have the privilege of leading the nation in paying its respects to all those who fought and died in the battle through a series of events over 5-6 June, known as 'D-Day 70'.

Over the coming months, the Legion and the MOD will be working towards the commemorations, which include Memorial Services at Bayeux Cathedral and Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery amongst others. In order to plan effectively we're aiming to establish how many veterans will be travelling to Normandy in June, and we're asking all veterans and their families to get in touch and let us know.

Due to the high profile nature of D-Day 70 there will be security restrictions in place in Normandy and accreditation is required for many of the events during the anniversary period. Therefore we ask you contact us by 16 March to allow time for us to send you the paperwork you will need to enter the sites you wish to visit.

If you are, or know of, a veteran planning to travel to Normandy for 6 June 2014 please contact us in writing either by email at dday70@britishlegion.org.uk or write to 'D-Day 70', The Royal British Legion, Haig House, 199 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1AA.  

Did you know you can secure funding to support your trip through the Big Lottery Fund’s Heroes Return 2 scheme? An application form is available on the website, www.biglotteryfund.org.uk or by calling 0845 00 00 121 (textphone 0845 602 1659 for those with hearing impairment).