2017 Poppy Lunch
Saturday 28th October 2017 saw the Poppy Launch Lunch at the majestic Brompton Barracks
Our County President Leyland Riddings hosted the event with our County Chairman Richard Cast
The Lord Lieutenant of Kent and his wife Lady Isobel were in attendance along with the High Sheriff of Kent and his wife Vicky, the Chairman of Kenty County Council and his wife and of course, the Commandant RSME Brigadier Matt Bazeley and his wife Becci
Numerous District and Town Mayors were also in attendance for this special event
We were very lucky to have a 5 piece RSME band playing during our lunch who delighted all in attendance
Unfortunately we didnt get many photos on this ocassion!
However we did get 2 photos :-
Councillor Peter Coe, Mayor of New Romney and the RBL Kent County Chairman Mr Richard Cast

A very pleased County Team after another successful event!