2017 Knitted Poppy Launches
Friday 27th October saw the launch of our Knitted Poppy displays across the Kent Gateways
Julie & Jane our Community Fundraisers travelled across the County to see the launch of these poignant displays - ably assisted in a couple of places by our County Chairman, Richard Cast.

Ashford Gateway created a Poppy wall - or in fact several - with over 3000 knitted poppies being donated. The light and welcoming Ashford Gateway is even more cheerful covered in knitted poppies today. The regular Knit and Natter group from the Library being great contributors along with many enthusiastic individuals. Thank-you for your great support.

Dover Town Hall was the setting for the knitted poppy display being launched today in Dover - the stunning Maison Dieu was a beautiful backdrop to the vibrant carpet of poppies created by locals from the Dover district in conjunction with Dover Arts Development and Dover Big Local.

The Kent Poppy Appeal launch continued in Gravesham with the Queen Victoria statue in Gravesend market being cloaked in a net of poppies. The carpet of poppies underneath will continue to be displayed in Gravesend gateway until remembrance Sunday. Thank you to all knitters, crocheters and crafters who contributed - it looks stunning.

Hawkhurst Village is awash with Poppies. Lisa Ridley Community Champion of Tesco organised a really modern sculpture which is placed in the Almshouse Gardens one end of the Town and the RBL Womens Section designed a "Poppies in the Tower Tribute" against the RBL Club the other. All the shops and businesses in between have Poppies in their windows. Fantastic Job Hawkhurst!!!

Medway Fun Palace, Nucleus Arts, The Royal Engineers Museum, Creatabox at Home, and The Cannon Public House, Brompton have all collaborated to promote and encourage the knitters and crafters of Medway to make Poppies and bring them together for a spectacular display at The Royal Engineers Museurm Brompton. The largest display in Kent to date of over 22,500 individually made poppies is a real sight. Inspired by the 5000 poppies campaign and supported by the RBL the display is truly magnificant and worth a visit.

Next stop on the launch trail across Kent and Swale are busy creating their knitted poppy garden. The project has been helped by Sheppey Matters project managers Justin Aggett and Elaine Christopher with students Cameron Beeney 13yrs and Ben Hayter 12 yrs joining with Karen Baxter of 'Crochet Parlez' group and Royal British Legion volunteers to create the garden today. The youngest knitter was 11yrs and the oldest 97yrs old! A real cross generation project. It will be on display in the Sheerness Gateway by the middle of this week.

Today I had the pleasure of attending a Poppy Appeal Launch ceremony in Tonbridge Castle grounds. Hillview School pupils have donated three sculputures representing Women at War and knitters and Crafters donated hundreds of poppies that collectively made a carpet of red outside the Castle. Thanks Pam Mills for organising such a beautiful and appropriate event to launch the appeal in Tonbridge. Thanks also to 2520 Tonbridge Squadron ATC for their presence and their help over the next few weeks. Good Luck to Carl and his team of Volunteers its over to you now......
Tunbridge Wells

After visiting the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Hall yesterday to view the latest knitted poppy installation promoted via the Kent Gateways I was struck by the artistic style of the piece. It has been placed behind the Town's memorial and provides a spectacular backdrop for passing people stop and "rethink remembrance" It is certainly a new way of showing a whole communities support for our Armed Forces past and present. Poppies that make up this piece have come from as far a field as Spain.

Knitted poppies appearing everywhere across the county. Whitstable are knitting away and will soon be covering trees on the high street by the war memorial.

Small and beautiful - Woodchurch Post Office has a lovely display made by the local Knit and Natter group. Thank you ladies