poppy field


Poppy Ambassadors

Many people in Kent want to do more than simply say 'thank you' when they recieve help and support from us. So we have recently started to invite them to become Poppy Ambassadors.

Our Poppy Ambassdors are men and women of all ages that have received help from The Royal British Legion in Kent. They attend some of our events around the County to talk about their military experiences, their personal stories and (for many of them) how support they've received has helped them to rebuild their lives.

We think their stories are special, and they were happy for us to share them with you here - so please follow the links and meet some of our Poppy Ambassadors.

Steven Seager and his mum Nicola

 Steven Nicola

It helps so many people.  I've always known about the RBL, but never realised how much work goes on and how much help they can give.  It's not until you ask for their help that you realise what they can do for you.

They help so many service men and women with their wonderful help and advice.  They don't only help those that have served.  They help their whole family....

 Our latest Poppy Ambassadors Steven and Nicola's stories can be read here.

Paul McEwan

Paul McEwan

"The RBL is a fantastic organisation.  Without their help I don't know where I would be at this time in my life.

I am, and will continue to encourage people to support the RBL's Poppy Appeal.  What they do, words cannot explain.  The hard work and dedication they put in for people to have a better quality of life".

 "Wanted a great career and to be part of the world's most respected fighting force.

Great memory of Zimbabwe and Brunei.  Back in 97  worked hard and played hard".

Keith Burton

Keith Burton

"The RBL provides a focal point for the ex-service community, giving an identity to those with difficulties adjusting to civilian life.  The motto "Service not Self" reflects the attitudes of ex-servicemen and the diverse  range of help and remembrance. Through the RBL network enables the whole ex-service community to embrace hardship and difficulties with dignity - a quite invaluable service!

Lasting memory - being awarded the Green Beret, Falklands War, Edinburgh Tattoo."

Colin and Heather Smith

Colin and Heather

"The Legion are our 'Angels'.  We returned from the Gambia with 2 suitcases and nothing else in the world.  Without the help of the RBL we do not know where we would have ended up.  Despite the tolerance of relatives and friends, patients was, understandably wearing thin and the RBL at least gave us the opportunity to buy our own food."

click to see their stories in full.

Raymond Frederick Turner

"I always put a £1 in the tin, bought my poppy, went on parade, but I never thought about where the money went and never thought it had anything to do with me."

Lisa Booth

"I have found everyone I've dealt with very helpful, considerate and non judgemental. As a whole "being" I believe that the RBL offer much needed support and welfare network, not only for veterans but for people like myself, who are in serious need of emotional support, financial help or pretty much anything else actually! You start with a voice at the end of a telephone, either Legion line or a local office, and literally go from there. I doubt I'd have got through the past few months without their continued support and guidance, so you could say that the RBL are lifesavers."

Eddie Holness

"I needed help constantly, and found about the RBL through SSAFA. The RBL enabled me to have a new cooker,washing machine,TV and food vouchers. I also had counselling and a person to talk to. The RBL has enabled me to be here and write this."

Brad Russell

"The RBL have given me inspiration to turn my life around, as I was so humbled by the help I received and the kind understanding which was shown. The RBL has also helped me in so many ways, not just financially, but gave me the strength to finally combat alcoholism. The holiday I had with my children will stay in our memories forever."

William Noble

"The RBL have given me an interest in giving something back, possibly as a caseworker."

Vackacegh Nicholas Bennion

"Transferring to civilian life was a bit of a challenge, as the briefing was totally different to actually experiencing it. There were a few difficulties I encountered. Financially money was difficult, finding work, understanding the laws and system that entitles you to certain benefits and many more."

Paul Anthony Grieve

"I have found that the legion runs an excellent service, and I'm sure if they were not doing their sterling work, many ex service personal would not be here now."

Lee Wickham

"The Royal British Legion to me is a fantastic organisation, who really does strive to help those in need, and do an amazing job in doing so. But what I will also say is that I do feel a lot of younger people who could benefit from what the RBL offer, have a perception that the RBL is only for the elder generation. It could maybe make itself more aware that the RBL is there for all ages."

Click here to see their stories in full

 Russell Roberts...

Russ Roberts"Being a proud man I found it difficult to ask for help....The art materials supplied by the RBL enable me to escape from my dark place from time to time. The art allows me to give something back too"

Click here to hear Russ's story in full.

STOP PRESS: Great news, Russ has donated one of his paintings for us to auction at our Poppy Supporter Day to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal.  Thanks Russ.


Joseph Hayes...

"Quite simply, without the Legion's help, we would not have got through these 3 years without devastating effect on our lives and marriage, thank you. The staff and thousands of volunteers throughout each county, should be awarded a medal of the highest honour for the tireless time and effort extended to people in need."

Click here to hear Joseph's story in full.


Joyce Adams...

"This help from the Royal British Legion has made me completely independent - which a really valuable gift. I am able to get into town and do my shopping and I'm also able to visit friends. I would encourage people to support the Royal British Legion because of the wonderful practical support available to the Armed Services and their families".

Click here to hear Joyce's story in full.


Michael Hallam....

"I cannot wait for the opportunity to give something back to you guys… to help in any way I can… to shout from the highest rooftops about all the good work you do and how YOU as individuals can transform lives, not just one, but many by your deeds".

Click here to hear Michael's story in full.