poppy field

Isle of Wight

Bembridge held an Armed Forces Day Flag Raising Ceremony, in honour of those who serve and have served our country, at Bembridge War Memorial followed by a service at Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday 20 June 2017.

The RBL Seaview & Nettlestone District Branch Chairman, Mr. Keith Bradford, welcomed guests.  The Standard Bearers led the procession for the arrival of Lord Lt. Major Gen. Martin White CB CBE JP.   The High Sheriff, Ben Rouse; IW Council Chairman, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Veterans, Parish Councillors, Dignitaries and 60 puplis with teachers of Bembridge CE Primary School attended.

The flag was raised by Raffi Whitewick and Amelia Dutch from Bembridge Primary School, assisted by Cllr. Marianne Sullivan, Chair of Bembridge Parish Council.  Daryll Pitcher played the Last Post while the standards dipped with a minutes silence being observed by all attending.  The flag raising ceremony was concluded with Dr. Kieron Cooney playing the Lament on the bagpipes.

Rev Amanda Bloor led the church service with poetry readings from Sylvia Bearsmore and Carol Ball (from the Branch) and Pandora Alsop, Ollie Gough and Jessica Taylor (from Bembridge Primary School).  The congregation enjoyed the pupils singing "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" and "Run Rabbit Run"

After the celebration, all were invited to the Village Hall for refreshments served by members of Bembridge Women's Institute.

Emma Goldring, Clerk to Bembridge Parish Council, said "this was a fantastic demonstration of a community coming together to recognise the importance of our Armed Forces, both past and present.


Click on the images below to view an enlarged photograph.

Photographs © Karen Gibson


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