poppy field

Isle of Wight

Contact The Royal British Legion in Isle of Wight

Membership Services Details:

Tel: 0800 307 7773

Email: MembershipServices@britishlegion.org.uk

Contact Centre Details:

(Including Welfare Services)

Tel: 0808 802 8080

Open 7 days a week, 8am-8pm

County Officers and Welfare Staff
President Ian Ward
County Chairman Andy Pound
Vice Chairman  Ernie Howard
County Treasurer Terina Nunn
County Secretary Jenny Amabilino
County Parade Marshal Simon Tutton
County Youth Officer Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer Holly Church
Poppy Appeal Manager  Claire Smith


Membership of The Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just members or ex-members of the Armed Forces and we always welcome new members.   If you would like to join the Royal British Legion please contact your local branch