poppy field

Isle of Man

Legion news & events on the Isle of Man

IOM County Royal British Legion   70th County Conference.


 Saturday 16th January 2016 in Palace Hotel and Casino, Douglas at 2pm.


Order of proceedings;


1. Entry of Standards.

2. Exhortation & Kohima -

The Venerable Archdeacon  Andrew Brown- County Padre.

3.County Chairman welcomes guests, delegates and members present.

4. Civic Welcome from  Mayor of Douglas. 

5.Apologies for absence;

6. Appointment of 3 Scrutineers

7.Adoption of 2015 County Conference Minutes

8.Matters arising from the minutes. 

9.County Chairman's report 

10. Poppy Appeal Report

11.Hon Treasurer's report

12. Corporate Address - Mr Eddy Dixon - Membership Council

13.Updates from the Area Manager- Mr Marcus Hawthorn 

14. Delegates Voting

    Place for 69th County Conference 2015

    Election of County Committee

    Motions to Confrence 

15. Presentation of Awards by Mayor of Douglas

16. Presentaion by guest speaker Mr David Llewellyn

17. Special presentation  and vote of thanks by Major Charles Wilson County Vice Chairman.

18.Acceptance of the County Standard.

19. Closing ceremony - National Anthem.


*A two course lunch is being laid on at 12:30pm at an additional cost of £17 per person.