poppy field


National Service of Remembrance in Dublin 

The National Service of Remembrance is in the National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Patrick, Dublin, on Sunday 12th November 2023, in the presence of His Excellency Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland. 

Speaking in advance of the service, Paul Stephenson, Republic of Ireland District Chairman said,

"Remembrance Sunday has a very special significance to all those who gather in memory of those who lost their lives in the World Wars and, as ever, the occasion will be a solemn Service of Evensong led by the Dean of St Patrick's, the Very Revd William Morton. During the service the President of Ireland will lay wreaths with the President of the Royal British Legion Republic of Ireland District, prior to the traditional Act of Remembrance."

The service begins at 3.15 pm and will last about an hour and a quarter. We hope as many people as possible can attend.