poppy field





The Royal British Legion was formed on 15th May 1921 and as we approach the centenary of that auspicious event the County Committee has already started to make provisional plans to mark the centenary year. A number of ideas have been mooted but as always ideas are invited from the Branches. In addition to County events it is hoped that Branches will also organise local activities broadcasting our work as a leading charitable organisation. 

We recognise that 2020 has been a difficult year and any plans are at best 'provisional' until such time as circumstances change for the better. However, in the interests of the armed forces community that we support we must continue to plan for success and not be deterred by the unprecedented difficulties facing us as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

A combined Battle of Britain and County RBL Centenary Service will be held on Sunday 12th September 2021 at 15:30 in Hereford Cathedral. All members of the public are invited to join us.

A reception will be held afterwards in The Green Dragon Hotel