As you are aware, volunteering for a Branch Officer role comes with a training (or continuous personal development) requirement. The RBL's training programme is managed on the Discover platform, on which you need to register. To date, only 95 persons from our County have registered, of which 35 are not Branch Officers but have other committee or BCS roles. There are 157 Branch Officers in the county so just over 1/3rd of you are registered for training!
Chair / Vice Chair are expected to complete Branch Mngt pathway training which includes the Safeguarding and GDPR courses. They are also encouraged to complete the treasurers course so that they have a better understanding of how Branch finances should be managed.
Secretaries are expected to complete the secretaries course and GDPR modules but are also encouraged to complete the Branch Mngt pathway.
Treasurers are required to complete the treasurer's course and are encouraged to complete the Branch Mngt pathway and also the IE course.
Branch committee members and any other Branch members should be encouraged to undertake training as part of their personal development but also to assist in succession planning.
To access that training you need to register on the RBL's Discover platform.
When registering, you are advised to use your personal email rather than your one so that if you change roles, we do not have to reset your training account/records. You will be asked for your County/District/Area Code; please enter 'Hampshire'. Once on the system, the courses are easy to access and do not take long to complete. Importantly, once completed, they remains available for you to revisit as a source of reference.
Any Branch Officers having difficulty registering should reach out to L& or they can contact me directly.
Also, it is noted that many of you have registered your private emails on the MS1 as your contact reference. We encourage all Branch Officers to use emails so that they can access MAP and store their Branch documents securely. It is recommended that Branch Secretaries or Chairs contact the MEO and request emails for their Branch Officers.
The following courses, which will be held at Old Basing RBL Club, are now available for enrolment:
Sat 12th Apr, 1000 - 1600 hrs - ILT 030 Branch Management
Sat 24th May, 1000 - 1600 hrs - ILT 031 County Management
Sun 25th May, 1000 - 1600 hrs - ILT 094 Secretaries Course
Light lunch will be provided
We will update you when additional courses are available.
Kind Regards