Risca Branch Officers Branch Presedent Mr Mike Aubrey Through Secretary Chaplain N/A Branch Chairman Mr Keith Sutcliffe risca.chairman@rbl.community Branch Vice Chairman Branch Secretary Mr Ian Meredith risca.secretary@rbl.community Branch Treasurer Mr Steve Veysey risca.treasurer@rbl.community BCS Rep Rachel Meredith risca.bcs@rbl.community Recruitment Advisor Mr Iain Jones risca.memsecretary@rbl.community Standard Bearer Mr Iain Jones risca.memsecretary@rbl.community Branch Meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of each month at Risca Top Club 60 Mary St Risca Newport Gwent NP11 6GQ
Risca Branch Officers Branch Presedent Mr Mike Aubrey Through Secretary Chaplain N/A Branch Chairman Mr Keith Sutcliffe risca.chairman@rbl.community Branch Vice Chairman Branch Secretary Mr Ian Meredith risca.secretary@rbl.community Branch Treasurer Mr Steve Veysey risca.treasurer@rbl.community BCS Rep Rachel Meredith risca.bcs@rbl.community Recruitment Advisor Mr Iain Jones risca.memsecretary@rbl.community Standard Bearer Mr Iain Jones risca.memsecretary@rbl.community Branch Meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of each month at Risca Top Club 60 Mary St Risca Newport Gwent NP11 6GQ