poppy field

Greater Manchester

Lord Lieutenant's Presentation 2014


‘REMARKABLE’ cadets and officers from Manchester raised nearly £135,000 for the national Poppy Appeal and won high praise from the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester.

At a prestigious awards ceremony at Newman RC College, Chadderton, on Tuesday April 8th, Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Colonel Warren J Smith said: “It takes determination and a lot of effort to be able to raise this huge amount of money. It's also impressive that young people are so committed to ensuring that those who serve are always remembered.”

Air cadets 2200 Oldham Squadron raised the most amount of any group for the second year running - an enormous £11,626.01 – over three weeks of dedicated collecting from shoppers in Oldham's Spindles centre.

“It's a brilliant feeling to have raised the most amount of money,” said Air Cadet Lewis Taylor, 17, an Oldham College student. “We really wanted to set the standard for everyone else. And it shows our respect for those who serve.”

TS Onslow, also of Oldham, triumphed in the sea cadet category for a second year, beating last year's total by more than £1,200 to raise £7,355.71.

Leading Sea Cadet Luke Norton, 17, even spent his holidays from Hopwood Hall College collecting cash.

“It's not about the winning – it's about where the money goes to,” he said. “It shows our admiration for the people who have served and are serving. I know this money is going to a good place.”

1st Bolton were the army cadet winners, and raised an impressive £8,155.26, beating last year's total of £7,925.91. Cadet RSM Tyler Patel, 18, a student at Rivington and Blackwood High School, Horwich, said the 30 cadets of his unit raised the money through loading bags in supermarkets.

He added: “It's an absolute privilege to contribute to the fund. We all joined in with the fundraising, and when you have 30 cadets all working together, it makes it a lot easier.”

It was also a good night for 1005 Radcliffe Squadron, who were awarded second place and most improved in the Air Training Corps section, raising £10,300.

Air Cadet Connor O'Brien, 15, a pupil at St Monica's RC School, Prestwich, said: “I went every night after school to the local Morrisons supermarket for a week and spent three hours collecting money.  It feels really great to know that working for just a few hours a night has benefited  somebody else.”

President of the Royal British Legion, Vice Admiral Peter Wilkinson, said: “To see so many of our cadets working for the benefit of others is wonderful. It is a huge amount of money, especially when there are so many pressures on charitable giving. The poppy continues to be an enduring symbol of our remembrance, and this year is particularly important as we commemorate the centenary of WW1.”

Greater Manchester Vice-President of The Royal British Legion Wing Commander David Forbes said: "We have more than 60 cadet forces in the Greater Manchester area with more than 4,000 young cadets. I am extremely proud of their efforts to raise money for the Poppy Appeal and their fantastic achievements richly deserved the accolades they received at the awards ceremony.

LL Presentation 2014LL Presentation 1









Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Colonel Warren J Smith presents an award to Air Cadet Connor O'Brien of the 1005 Radcliffe Squadron, who were awarded second place and most improved of the Air Training Corps, raising £10,300.

LL Presentation 2President of the Royal British Legion Vice Admiral Peter Wilkinson addresses the Cadet Poppy Appeal Awards Presentation Evening.


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Back row, left to right: Leading Cadet Ashley Lockwood of Oldham Army Cadet Force,  Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Colonel Warren J Smith, Leading Sea Cadet Luke Norton of TS Onslow (Oldham). Front row, left to right:  Cadet Summer Scales of Oldham Army Cadet Force, Oldham Mayoress Kathleen Hudson, Oldham Mayor Cllr John Hudson.        

Lord LieutenanLL Presentation 4t of Greater Manchester Colonel Warren J Smith with Air Cadet Lewis Taylor, 17, of 2200 Oldham Squadron, who raised £11,626.01, the most amount of any unit for the second year running.






President of the Royal British Legion Vice Admiral Peter Wilkinson with Army Cadet RSM Tyler Patel, 18, of the 1st Bolton army cadets who raised £8,155.26 - the winning army cadet unit.

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