Procedures for requesting resources including the gazebo are being developed.
The photos below show the gazebo being unpacked and erected so that branches can see what they are getting and also how to erect it. The photos give an idea of the number of people required and the amount of space its footprint takes up. The photos also show it in its transport mode and the carrying bags so that you can identify a suitable vehicle to use for transporting it.
There are 2 tears and 1 missing clip. The tears do have tape over them at the moment; rain can come through these. We are looking at getting these repaired. The rubber mallet for putting in pegs has come to the end of its life. It is very warn down and the head comes from the handle. We are investigating ordering a new one.
Flat packed: length = 1.55m; width = 38cm. When fully up: front = 4.4m; side = 3m; leg height/corners = 2.3m; centre height = 3.1m. However, it can go up a further 10cm if required but this feels less stable. The estimated weight is 70-80lb.
Request for use
The gazebo is held by Dursley Branch and requests for borrowing it should be made to
Kate Reynolds, click
link for email, (07880361531). She will agree with branches details for its collection and return, or where necessary transfer to the next user if the dates are close.
The borrowing branch needs to identify someone responsible for the safe return of borrowed items and to report any problems, damage or lack of cleanliness so that remedial action can be initiated as required.
Other resources
County are considering purchasing other resources such as tables and chairs to use with the gazebo. Display boards for publicity are also being purchased as well as material to support recruitment. It may also be possible to borrow the blow-up gazebo from Area.
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