poppy field

Gloucestershire County

The County attended the Frampton Fair for a successful fundraising event ably lead by our CFR, Sarah Jones. We were ably supported by Geoff & Sarah West; Julie Blyth; Phil Glanville; and Bob Derford from the Riders Branch who provided photo opportunities for the children to pose as 'cool dudes' on their mini-Harley. Poppy Jewellery was handmade and sold by Julie, with proceeds going to the Poppy Appeal.

The main focus was the Poppy Jump done by Jump4Heroes, The Royal British Legion Extreme Human Flight Team. The CFR relied on many of our volunteers roaming the show encouraging visitors to enter the competition. Donations were made for each entry and the 'beer mats' were taken to the arena to await the arrival of the Poppy Jumpers. Rachel provided the commentary on the four man team parachute jump from their helicopter, ably led by her husband Vance. Once on the ground the jumpers selected the winning tickets. Prizes ranged from a Champagne Balloon Flight, Event experiences, and Family Days Out. 

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