poppy field

Gloucestershire County

In late April, during an online conversation, a group of friends had an idea to show their support for former service personnel who are in need of help to let them know they haven’t been forgotten. The group, some ex military, who all work fulltime call themselves Camp Shaky and all share a love for the outdoors. They wanted to give something back to our Service Personnel who may need help after leaving the services. The aim was to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal through the Royal British Legion in Gloucestershire. Those involved, and some who swear they weren’t even on their online website the night in question, agreed to walk the Cotswold Way over three first weekends in March. There were some concerned faces the following week when it dawned on them that this would be in two weeks time!


Over the 3 weekends Paul and David walked the whole 102 miles from Bath Abbey to Chipping Campden; Darran, Wayne, Jason, Matt, Alan and Sandy walked the Way when they could. Steve and Ian were the support team providing transport, food and the camp essentials. Legion branches showed their support as the walkers passed through their areas.  First leg was Bath Abbey to Tormarton for an overnight stop then onto Wotton under Edge; the next weekend resumed at Wotton with an overnight stop at Painswick before ending at Dowdeswell; and the final weekend’s trek was from Dowdeswell with an overnight stop at Wood Stanway before reaching Chipping Campden for the finish.

On finishing the group gladly accepted a pint and a buffet lunch prepared by Marie and hosted by the Branch Secretary Chipping Campden RBL. The Branch Chairman welcomed the group and donated a cheque to Darren from his members. The group were also presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Gloucestershire County Chairman. Camp Shaky hoped to raise £1,000. At the time of writing the donations have come in from all over the world and currently stand at over £4200! 

In addition Sandy, a world-renowned knife maker based in Wiltshire, donated one of his sought after Bushcraft Knives for raffle. This raffle was drawn at the end of the walk and won by Katriel Green. Sandy said: “The Legion gave much support to my father when he was poorly and this is my way of giving something back.”


The Camp Shaky Virgin Giving page is still open and any further donations would be most welcomed at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/campshaky.

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