Photo Credit: Matt Bigwood, The Wotton Times
On Friday 12thJuly the Wotton Branch of the Royal British Legion and local Help for Heroes supporters joined forces for a belated Armed Forces Day Dinner. 38 Supporters met in the Masonic Hall Wotton-under-Edge for a 4 course dinner with wine.
The Wotton RBL Branch had the idea of attempting a joint venture with another similarly focussed group. As a Branch we get very little support from the membership to complete any adventurous fund raising so had to widen our horizons. We invited Help for Heroes co-ordinator Mrs Shirley Wyse to a meeting and broached the idea. They had not tried a formal dinner, were very supportive and Shirley, and her husband Roger with assistance from a couple of Branch members, organised venue, speaker, caterer, menu and price.
Our speaker, Paul, told us how he had come to need the support and assistance RBL and H4H raise funds for. A telling story that had us all listening intently and grateful that both the RBL and H4H are there to aid him and his fellow members of the armed forces.
Thanks are due to Wotton Masonic Lodge, Sarah Beale Catering for an excellent meal and to the generous donors of several raffle prizes
We raised £1116-70 in total, which is to be split equally between the two charities.
For the Wotton RBL Branch this is a significant amount and we are very grateful for the help and support from Help for Heroes
Richard Arnold
BR3089 Branch Treasurer