Thank you to those Branches who supported me in unanimously being re-elected to the post of South West Midlands Membership Council Representative for the next three years effective after National Conference in May 2021 until Conference 2024. 
The Membership Council is a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees with a dedicated focus on the Legion membership organisation, in particular on the needs of members and the support they give to the Legion's charitable work.
The Membership Council consists of:
- Two members of the Board of Trustees appointed by the National Chairman, one of whom is appointed by the National Chairman as Membership Council Chairman and the other as Vice-Chairman.
- 19 members elected for a three years period by branches in their respective electoral regions.
The MC have a close working relationship with the Membership Department,and provide oversight and guidance on changes to policies and procedures that all Branches, Counties and Districts must adhere to.
I have been your MC Rep for the past 7 years having been co-opted in 2014 when the MC expanded and created the South West Midlands Area, consisting of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Counties, from the existing West Midlands Area. I have seen many changes in the last few years and was privileged to participate in GP 90 in 2018. What an amazing sight to see 1250 RBL Standards on parade in Ypres in Belgium.
As the MC Rep I attend all County Committee Meetings, give advice and guidance to the County Chairmen and County Committees. I liaise with the Membership Support Officers regularly and meet with the Area Manager and other RBL senior managers on matters relating to membership.
I play a role in assisting the Legion Complaints Committee (LCC) to attempt Local Resolution of Members complaints. That role covers the whole of the Legion as MC Reps can be called upon to assist anywhere if they have the necessary skills and experience. I am a Qualified Panel Member (QPM) and designated Chairman (C) meaning I may Chair Investigation Panels.
I am the appointed MC Rep for Public Affairs and Public Policy (PAPP), Almonisation and Diversity and Inclusivity. Most of you will have seen the 2021 Census and the question about Military Service - that was on the Census Form as a direct result of the PAPP lobbying HM Government and was supported by Parliament - the "Count them in campaign!" Proof, if it were needed, of the strong influence that the RBL has in the life of the nation.
The MC meets regularly, usually monthly and prior to Covid 19 most of our meeting were held in Haig House, London. Since the pandemic we meet online via TEAMS. As a direct result of my lobbying all Branches should now receive a copy of the MC Minutes as and when they are available. The MC Minutes are available on 0365 for those who have access.
I see my role as a mentor to Counties and Branches and I am grateful to those Branches that have invited me along to their meetings. As many members across the Three Counties are aware I am at the end of a telephone whenever needed. If I can’t answer the queries then I will find someone who can. As Covid 19 restrictions are relaxed I hope that we all may be able to meet up and again enjoy that special fellowship and comradeship that was thriving amongst us all.
I look forward to serving you all. Always remember SERVICE NOT SELF.
Garry Mills, FInstSMM, MIMA(Cert)
Telephone 01452 417277
Mobile 07788670355