poppy field


Contact The Royal British Legion in the Germany District

 District contact: Germany.Secretary@rbl.community



District Officers and Welfare Staff
President Col. Tim Hill
Chairman Robert Dusty Millar
Vice Chairman 

Mike Dawson

District Secretary  Desiree Niezen
Poppy Appeal Coordinator  Lorraine Dawson
District Youth Officer Desiree Niezen
District Treasurer Miriam Schäfer-Brett
District Welfare Coordinator Mary Janssen
District Padre

Rev. Richard Downes

District parade Marshal

Robert Thompson

Membership of The Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just members or ex-members of the Armed Forces and we always welcome new members. Just fill in a membership form and take it along to your local branch. Don't forget to fill in the Direct Debit part of the form too. That way you won't forget to renew your membership next year.