poppy field


Okehampton Branch Cadet Affilliation

Okehampton Cadets affiliation parade

 Cadets join forces with the Royal British Legion

The 2014 Rotary Club May Fair took place on Sunday 4 May in Simmons Park, Okehampton. During the afternoon, the town’s Army and Air Force cadets were officially affiliated to the Royal British Legion.

The parade marked the affiliation of the Okehampton Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps detachments to the local Branch of the Royal British Legion. Watched by a large crowd of visitors including many family members, the two contingents marched smartly onto the parade ground and were inspected by the Town Mayor Dr Mike Davies and the County President of the Royal British Legion, Commodore Jake Moores. Music was provided by the cadets of the Devon ACF Bugles and Drums Band.

Once the official affiliation ceremony was completed, the Bugles and Drums of the Devon ACF gave a magnificent marching display, which was greatly appreciated by all the visitors. Combined with glorious weather and large crowds, the fair was a resounding success and the parade was the icing on the cake.

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