poppy field


Funeral Representation 

All serving members and veterans of HM Forces and Royal British Legion members are entitled to Legion representation at their funeral.

Legion branches are made up of volunteers and we are therefore unable to guarantee that Legion members, or a Standard Bearer, will be available in all cases. It is strongly recommended that you also contact the appropriate Royal Navy, Army (Regimental/Corps), or Royal Air Force association should you wish for them to be present at a funeral.

If a Branch Standard is present, it is customary for the Standard to form part of the procession, both into and from the church, chapel or other sacred building. You may wish to also have a Union Jack (Flag) coffin drape; this is normally arranged via the funeral director. Where this is done, it is normal to place a wreath of Poppies on top of the flag.

If you wish to apply for Legion representation at a funeral, please contact us on:

Telephone: 0808 802 8080 8am to 8pm, seven days a week
Email: info@britishlegion.org.uk. The following information is required:

  1. Name of Deceased
  2. Service
  3. Branch or Regt/Corps
  4. Years of service
  5. Place of funeral
  6. Time of funeral
  7. Date of funeral
  8. Your details (telephone number, mobile number, email address, relationship to deceased)
  9. Additional Information

 Please see our list of forthcoming veterans' funerals HERE